core blimey where has the time gone.
this was supposed to be finished before the nationals just gone!!
unfortunately life and other projects just keep seeming to get in the way.
went up to see the car today and pick up the peices i had pretty much left off 4-5 months ago
a bird somehow got into my makeshift garage and pooed all over my car and must have been like it for some months baking into some kind of concrete.
unfortunately due to my nans berry rich garden the dark purple pooes have burnt right through my paint
so sanded back and flatted those areas, i suppose that will teach me for leaving it so long.
i also painted the radiator cowling as for ease of use im sticking to a dx rad for now and might upgrade later to a larger one depending if i get any heat issues. plus i really want to fit my twin fan setup at some point seing how much effort i put into it!!
so still to do is:-
make new exhaust
finish the plumbing on the engine
wire in new harness into old loom (still have three wires on new loom that i have no idea what they do)
fit interior
get all the lights and ancilleries fitted.
and fit the windscreen and door glass
first and foremost tho is ive got to know if she will run after all this faffing around.
last time i heard the engine run was 6 years ago.