crusty rusty rocket

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james butler
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

right then so me and my mate got the engine in on thursday with much to and fro`in to get the thing to fit with the gearbox still attached and from under the car!
it was really nice to get the car out of the tent and see how the paint came out as its the first time ive seen it in natural light and im chuffed with the out come.
dont get me wrong it aint proffesional by a long shot but not bad on a budget of £300


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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

unfortunately ther were a few snags.
1 the bonnet doesnt shut so im going to do something with the bonnet so it will fit over the engine properly. but we all new it wasnt going to fit without a fight.
2 the distrubutor fowls the master cylinder pipe work and reservior. :dash: again it was kind of expected but i have some parts on the way that should cure that issue thanks to ant and his 20v turbo brake mod. (pics to follow)


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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by ant »

Ha I couldn't get my bonnet to shut either, popped the engine and gearbox rubber mounts out and put them in the wrong way round and problem solved, I say popped, was easier said than done but dropped the engine a lot lower (about 1"). Like the colour, project is getting their! Not long until she can be fired up for the 1st time.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

ant wrote:Ha I couldn't get my bonnet to shut either, popped the engine and gearbox rubber mounts out and put them in the wrong way round and problem solved, I say popped, was easier said than done but dropped the engine a lot lower (about 1"). Like the colour, project is getting their! Not long until she can be fired up for the 1st time.
cheers ant,
i broke my vice getting the timing belt side rubber mount into the holder so it definately aint coming back out in a rush, ive got a plan of action but im not saying yet just in case it dont work but if it does pics will follow. lol

cant wait to get her fired up as its been ages since ive heard it run. :pilot:

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by Tim_R »

:beers: Looking good!

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

Tim_R wrote::beers: Looking good!
cheers tim :beers:
its getting there.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

great news ants "beetle mod" works a treat and all the parts easily available from vw heritage.


so now theres plenty of clearance between the dizzy and brake parts.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by ant »

Looks good mate, those parts came quick. didn't think there would be any difference between the Abf and 1.8t m/s.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

yay rear windows are in!!!


that rear screen is a bit of a nuisance, need 2 people min to do that job. i really think im gonna need help doin the windscreen!

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by G Beats »

It has come along way since I was last on the forum.We had our Lab top graded so this is why I have not been on here.The spray painting looks really good for what you have.And I'am very pleased you have now got the engine and gearbox in and I see you are just starting to put the windows back in.It is getting to look a really really really great track car. :buddy:

G Beats.Been into MK 2 V.W Sciroccos since 98.Now on my fourth MK 2 Scirocco. R.I.P two MK 2 Scala DX Engine's.Sold GT 2. No longer have a mk 2 v.w Scirocco as it was stolen back in February 2020 .Or another one know have a 1980s BMW.
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

blimey ive been busy the last 3 week, this week being the first week ive done anything on crusty!!
the highlight of this week being a MAF intake body out of the old ABF airbox


really need to get a move on to get this finished.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

core blimey where has the time gone.
this was supposed to be finished before the nationals just gone!! :dash:
unfortunately life and other projects just keep seeming to get in the way.

went up to see the car today and pick up the peices i had pretty much left off 4-5 months ago :swoon:
a bird somehow got into my makeshift garage and pooed all over my car and must have been like it for some months baking into some kind of concrete.
unfortunately due to my nans berry rich garden the dark purple pooes have burnt right through my paint :ire:
so sanded back and flatted those areas, i suppose that will teach me for leaving it so long.
i also painted the radiator cowling as for ease of use im sticking to a dx rad for now and might upgrade later to a larger one depending if i get any heat issues. plus i really want to fit my twin fan setup at some point seing how much effort i put into it!!

so still to do is:-
make new exhaust
finish the plumbing on the engine
wire in new harness into old loom (still have three wires on new loom that i have no idea what they do)
fit interior
get all the lights and ancilleries fitted.
and fit the windscreen and door glass

first and foremost tho is ive got to know if she will run after all this faffing around.
last time i heard the engine run was 6 years ago.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by ant »

james butler wrote:core blimey where has the time gone.
this was supposed to be finished before the nationals just gone!! :dash:
unfortunately life and other projects just keep seeming to get in the way.

went up to see the car today and pick up the peices i had pretty much left off 4-5 months ago :swoon:
a bird somehow got into my makeshift garage and pooed all over my car and must have been like it for some months baking into some kind of concrete.
unfortunately due to my nans berry rich garden the dark purple pooes have burnt right through my paint :ire:
so sanded back and flatted those areas, i suppose that will teach me for leaving it so long.
i also painted the radiator cowling as for ease of use im sticking to a dx rad for now and might upgrade later to a larger one depending if i get any heat issues. plus i really want to fit my twin fan setup at some point seing how much effort i put into it!!

so still to do is:-
make new exhaust
finish the plumbing on the engine
wire in new harness into old loom (still have three wires on new loom that i have no idea what they do)
fit interior
get all the lights and ancilleries fitted.
and fit the windscreen and door glass

first and foremost tho is ive got to know if she will run after all this faffing around.
last time i heard the engine run was 6 years ago.
Gutted about the paint work, that's real bad luck. If you trace the wires from the plugs I could get you a pin out for the ecu plug, a mate of mine has a programme with them all on to find out what they are if you haven't got it already, I had to do that with mine?

1988 Mk2 Scirocco Scala 1.8t AGU - now sold :-(
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

cheers ant
luckily ive sorted out all of the ecu pin outs but i have three wires from the engine loom that i dont know where they go as they dont go to the ecu.
i will see if i can find the notepad i wrote the wiring diagram in and give you the colours of the wires maybe your pal might be able to find where on earth they go.
alternatively any ABF wiring diagrams he can get hold of i will take please.

paint does suck but hopefully i can paint over the damage and just flat it back.
will have to see.

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steve bain
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by steve bain »

At least you know how to paint now! Looking good.


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