KR running problems

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KR running problems

Post by RoccoGuy »

i've got my 16v kr lump in my scirocco, it fires up and fires up, revs to about 3k then dies. i've disconnected the isv and tried it and if i hold the throttle down slightly it starts and if i can keep it at 1k it runs for about 20 seconds the dies, if i blip the throttle it just dies, the more revs i give it the shorter the time it will keep running for.

so i'm guessing it's a fueling issue, both pumps are priming, i can see no leaks, all the wiring seems to be plugged in to the right places and all vacuum pipes are connected.

i'm gonna try connecting the pump straight up to the injection system bypassing most of the fuel piping and see how that is but apart from that i'm stumped, any ideas or suggestions?

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The Autoad
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Re: KR running problems

Post by The Autoad »

how is the installation wired up?

You could try chucking the ISV, possibly the cause of your trouble, and run a standard 8v AAV from the throttle air duct to the cold start valve.

also check the obvious -idle screw?

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Re: KR running problems

Post by monzajake »

First id check the idle screw. Turn it so it almost all the way in and slow turn it out, with someone on the key,trying to start it. Normally about have way out should be about right, but that depends on the C.O adjustment screw.

2ND, id look at the fuel flap, making sure it bounce's up n down with a slight tap.

3RD Is the dizzy set right ? Had any overrun, or has it sounded like the battery is flat / hard to start ?

Then id go back to basic's, recheck all the timing including the cam shafts. Making sure they are spot on lined up wise.
If they are spot on and all the rest is just turn it over by hand and recheck again.

I had the same problem after changing my cyclinder head, i swear the cams where lined up but after going back and checking everything the inlet cam (i think it was) was 2 teeth out causing it to run but not idle....

Defo sounds to me like fuel or air issuse..

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Re: KR running problems

Post by RoccoGuy »

i 'think' it was due to a weak fuel pump but really can't be arsed with it now, just gonna wait till i get all the bits for my twin 45 set up and give it another go again. cheers for all your advice.
