I'm a little unsure what the wheels are,but the guy told me he payed extra for them when he bought the car,if any one knows,please tell me! i also have the original wheels.
not too sure what im going to do about styleing yet,(barr the the stupid chrome mudgards off) id love too keep it standard.but thats not going to happen,,nightmare,,haha
anyway..here it is.first update
the father i never wanted haha
the badges were a little worn,so i rubbed them down and hand painted them with model paint.takes a long time,but the results are good
i picked up some 15x8 schmidt modernlines.i need to get the coils on and lower her down too see how they really look. still unsure what wheels too run.nightmare
iv been putting the hardwork and time into the pepper pots.well over 48hours.and my arms feel massive! but im super happy how they look.just need some rubber and adapters.
polished up one of the modenlines,but im really not happy with the job i done.so im going to take them down too caerphilly.GAY!haha
there was no going back for the bumpers.they had faded grey.and just looked crap.so i spayed the satin matt black.i painted the grill on my van a few mounths ago and the colour seems too be lasting out. looking super fresh!!!