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Have had a couple of issues since i bought it in march this year, troubleshooting it made me discover the cog on the end of the cam was the wrong way round and 9 teeth out! Anyway sorted that out so its running smoothly the only problem that's nagging me is that it doesn't start very well, mainly when cold. Pretty much i have to keep cranking the engine with my foot on the accelerator for about 3 seconds until; the engine 'catches' then it will sound lumpy until i give it a rev up to about 3k and its fine. (However it does idle quite high until its up to reasonable temperature, roughly 1.5-1.9k) Sometimes if it doesn't catch first time i try starting it i have to wait for a couple of minutes before trying it again then its even worse to start and frankly is quite embarrassing! i have done a bit of research and might either be too rich or the cold start valve not working?
Anyway its a 89 GTX with the DX engine and K-Jet injection
The problem is leaking injectors. The cylinders are flooded by the escaping fuel. One morning after it has been used the previous day. Remove each spark plug in turn and have a sniff around the hole. if you can smell fuel you have the answer.
You probably have 1 or 2 leaking. some will be worse than others.
Wait and see whats what first.
Only solution is to replace injectors (approx £30/£40 each).
Try disconnecting the electrical connector going to the 5th injector, this will stop it adding even more fuel when cold and flooding the engine.
You should not need to touch the accelerator when starting the car as if the injectors are leaking you are just flooding the engine.
My injectors are leaking and I've been running without the 5th injector for 6 months now.
Checked the plugs bensspares; there was a hint of fuel but nothing major. Did what you said mark1gls and it started from cold with no acceleration I'll run it with it disconnected and see what its like.
The problem is not your 5th injector but the thermo time switch, the big bronze one in the water flange on the front of the cilinderhead above the oilfilter.
Biggest problem is availabilty of it and then for a normal price.
Followed the 'Haynes Guide' to check the concerned items and found that the 5th injector isn't working as there's fuel and 12v getting to it and the thermo time switch works. So it looks like a new 5th injector!
In the end it was the thermo time switch just to round off this topic, got a second hand one off a kind member for free :) however the 5th injector was broken too.