wheel play

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rocco balboa
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wheel play

Post by rocco balboa »

With front wheels of the ground tnight re-checking everything tight with the wilwood calipers and 280 discs for £50 that i jus fitted on my own... ( smug ) noticed passenger side wheel moves , i had 1 hand on the top an 1 on the bottom and theres a rocking movement. checked the same on drivers side an that is solid , whats its goner cost me this time, and will my wheel fall off at a crucial moment and i die in a ball of flames.

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Re: wheel play

Post by Brunty »

Probably the wheel bearing.

I have a set of the billet Dynalite Wiwoods with 280mm discs, they're very good :)


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Re: wheel play

Post by Nate »

rocco balboa wrote: whats its goner cost me this time, and will my wheel fall off at a crucial moment and i die in a ball of flames.
if it's a wheel bearing, garages will charge anything from £50 upwards, depending on labour rates and how badly they spank you on parts. and yes, if you ignore it you wheel will eventually fall off


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Re: wheel play

Post by mark1gls »

It sounds to me like the bottom ball joint or lose top mount as there is play somewhere. When a wheel bearing is shot it usally makes a drowning noise when driving and stops when you turn a corner or grinds when the wheel is spun.

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Re: wheel play

Post by ChrisPears »

Watch the strut top while waggling wheel top & bottom. If it moves, its something suspension related. If it doesn't the wheel bearings shot.

I'd go for wheel bearing being shot though, have had a front go in the past without it making any noise (or the car was too loud to hear it lol).

rocco balboa
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Re: wheel play

Post by rocco balboa »

Thanks everyone gonna do elimination tests u all suggested as there isnt any whining noise normally indicating a bearing apart from a clicking noise on steering locks at slow speeds.

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Re: wheel play

Post by mark1gls »

Clicking noise on full lock usally means the outer CV joint needs replacing.

Mk1 78 Scirocco GLS 1.6 FR, weekend toy.
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