Scirocco mk2 range for me?
I've been into aircooleds for a while now but as I'm getting older I have found myself drawn
to the flip side of vw ing? A quick flick thru ebay, a couple of random (low) bids
and I ended up winning an '88 scala auto that I had honestly forgotten I had bid on!
Long story but nearly two weeks later I picked the car up from Chippenham, did my usual
50 mph for the first few miles, 70 for a few more (wheels wobbled a bit) up to 85 and she
was singing to me!!! Really enjoyed the trip back to Exmouth and decided there and then
that my aircooled days were firmly behind me, then the enormity of my decision sank in over
the next few days - I know sweet bugger all about these little cars apart from the fact
that mine makes me smile whenever I get behind the wheel !
Hence the request for information about the model range - cos I doubt very much whether I'll
be faithfull to just one 'rocco ( I've just paid up for a two car insurance policy and it would be a shame
not to get my monies worth) - see I'm already thinking up the excuses to give the missus

The name "scala"suggests it should be "special" but it's very basic
I had a GT2 - or rather the other half (at the time) did, that seemed basic as well.
Which are the quick ones to look out for and which ones offer slightly more creature
I really like the euro look so will probably head off down that direction in the future.
Sorry for the monologue but I've already got another couple of cars in the watch list
so any model info would be greatly appreciated.
Hoping to make Plymouth meet , will defo be going to Bristol at end of month - hope to meet
some of you there!