Revs to 2000 constant

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Revs to 2000 constant

Post by LauraK »

Scala MK2 '92 1.8i
I have searched the forum for info on the AAV re my high revs but haven't round anything re high revs more lumpy idling. So here's my situation, a few times recently I had a flat battery and was jump started, then followed a really cold spell -10 and then a sudden increase over 24 hours to +10, the retro fitted alarm started beeping, the battery was flat again and when I trickle charged and got it started the revs were up at 2000 and wouldn't come down, I checked the exhaust at the rear and there was little coming out, I didn't want to leave it on as exhaust wasn't appearing elsewhere and do any engine damage. I have been under the hood to locate the AAV (bit of a tricky position to do anything with it), then noticed the coolant had also gone down, even though it hasn't been out anywhere. The accelerator does not appear stuck either. The last bit of work done was a new coolant tank but this has been in place and working fine for months. Anyone had this issue? Any suggestions appreciated.
Many thanks,
John :?

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james butler
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Re: Revs to 2000 constant

Post by james butler »

AAV stuck open? throttle body stuck open?

I dont mind project cars but I HATE SANDING!!!
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Revs to 2000 constant

Post by LauraK »

Thanks James, I have located the AAV but not sure what to do next, will see if I can locate the throttle body or can point me to it?

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james butler
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Re: Revs to 2000 constant

Post by james butler »

mark1gls wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:31 pm Check the idle screw 1st as AAV don’t usually go wrong, you can unscrew the two Allen key screws and remove the AAV, if you can see through it when cold and if powered up for a couple of minutes it should close.

I dont mind project cars but I HATE SANDING!!!
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james butler
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Re: Revs to 2000 constant

Post by james butler »

@mark1gls any more info on this?

I dont mind project cars but I HATE SANDING!!!
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