General discussion focusing mainly on the cars and the Scirocco Register - other stuff within reason.
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Nutty wrote: ↑Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:35 pm
I did post a couple of bits on the forum in the last few weeks but I thought I'd do it properly this time, bought the MK2 GLS (came with MOT) on a bit of a whim, in Yorkshire, fine if you are nearby but a 4.5 hr journey with a trailer one way might be not very clever. No history what so ever, apart from a bundle of fuel receipts... bonnet has had a transfers Caen bit if a meeting with the roof, have started sorting things out, cambelt, shocks, carb (Pierberg), cooling, oils, as for the things to do, get it running for this year, next winter sort interior, mainly dash, rest is in remarkably good condition. User name Nutty, plate ends NUT, seems logical, real name... Willem, Dutch expat in the UK, Herefordshire, farmer, easy for a shed, not easy for time, spend way too much time on this forum looking up stuff.
Hi, just joined the register AGAIN after many years absent but still have a folder full of membership stuff from years ago when I had about six Mk2s at the back of the house! My history with VW is too long and painful to go into in too much detail but included many Mk2 Sciroccos including a Havana Brown Storm which I let go for 300 quid to save it from dying, a Cosmos Blue Mk1 Storm, 1979, that I was given but had to scrap cos I had nowhere to keep it, Corrado VR6 Storm, 2 Mk1 Golf Gti cabbies, one a Rivage. All now gone and left with a Brown Mk1 Storm first registered July 1981, TKE 200X, that has been in the garage for 22 years that I have started to strip out finally ready for a paint and, obviously, a bit of welding.
Need help/advice with a few things (especially struggling with the radiator at the mo) so where should I post things like that?
Car has had an interesting life since peeling back the skin. One door WAS blue, one door WAS red and the OSR quarter is a different shade of brown!!!
Hello, I been on the register for a long time, but had sold all my Sciroccos by July 2019 Last month I bought another Scirocco, just before lockdown/better to stay at home started here in Florida. This new Scirocco to me is a 1987 Scirocco 16v, in Tornado red with factory sunroof, black leather interior/seats, power windows and mirrors, snowflake wheels, 5 speed and a 2.0 litre 9A 16v engine from a 1990 Golf GTI. I will be starting a thread here in Projects and Restorations soon. It is AWESOME to be back in a Scirocco again
16v_coupe wrote: ↑Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:03 am
Hello, I been on the register for a long time, but had sold all my Sciroccos by July 2019 Last month I bought another Scirocco, just before lockdown/better to stay at home started here in Florida. This new Scirocco to me is a 1987 Scirocco 16v, in Tornado red with factory sunroof, black leather interior/seats, power windows and mirrors, snowflake wheels, 5 speed and a 2.0 litre 9A 16v engine from a 1990 Golf GTI. I will be starting a thread here in Projects and Restorations soon. It is AWESOME to be back in a Scirocco again
Hi from Derbyshire, just signed up yesterday. I’ve been away from Sciroccos for a while, previously had a gt2 followed by a gt, when they were a lot cheaper! Anyway, I’m on the lookout for a new project and thought it was about time I had another!
James109 wrote:Hi from Derbyshire, just signed up yesterday. I’ve been away from Sciroccos for a while, previously had a gt2 followed by a gt, when they were a lot cheaper! Anyway, I’m on the lookout for a new project and thought it was about time I had another!
I may have the perfect vehicle for u. My numbers 07917844456 phone or message or watts app me. Got an early A Reg non kitted project for sale.
Those non body kit cars seem to be like rocking horse poo! I always preferred them to the later ones. I’m afraid you might be a bit far away for me though, especially given the situation at the moment! Appreciate the heads up though, if anything changes I’ll give you a call, assuming nobodies snatched your hand off first!
James109 wrote:Those non body kit cars seem to be like rocking horse poo! I always preferred them to the later ones. I’m afraid you might be a bit far away for me though, especially given the situation at the moment! Appreciate the heads up though, if anything changes I’ll give you a call, assuming nobodies snatched your hand off first!
Tbh if it don’t sell in next couple of weeks I’ll keep it as my 3rd project
Welcome back to the Scirocco family James109, which is owners and fans of these great little German cars. I have also returned recently, but was only without a Scirocco for a year. They are out there, I was lucky bought my 87 Scirocco GTX just before lockdown/better to stay at home here in Florida, had to drive 2 hours one way to get it in Orlando.