This story begins in 1989 when a failed attempt at purchasing a white Scala from a Somerset VW dealer means my mother starts phoning around local used car dealers asking if they had any used Sciroccos for sale. A few days later a return phone call from a dealer says he has found a blue Scirocco and would she be interested? Well it wasn't white, it was much older but it did have leather, she might consider it.
I was still living at home at this point, I had started my first job and had money to spare, so I did the only thing I knew how to do at the time I spent it!
I purchased a Linn LP12 (ask your Dad!), the tone arm with the following months pay packet and then replaced my dull but trusty Chrysler Sunbeam with a MK1 Scirocco GLS purchased from Tim Stiles for the princely sum of £900 pounds. I had discovered driving and insurance on installments.
Meanwhile my Dad was trying to persuade my Mum to forget about the 'tarts car' and buy another Metro, I think this may have been the catalyst for the test drive.
A short drive later and around £5500 pounds the car was hers. I was excited I knew from her description when she returned home that it was a Scirocco Storm, we were now a two Scirocco family. The Storm was christened Bill due to its registration number B111. Fast forward two years, I've left home and moved to London I'm on my second MK1 GLS, I even joined a then new organisation called the 'Scirocco Register' (lapsed), my brother has a MK1 Golf diesel.
A few more years pass, Mum now wants a Golf convertible and after a bit of searching she ends up with a white GTI, I have a Scirocco Storm hand-me-down and my MK1 GLS goes to my brother.
Bill 1995

Fast forward a few more years I'm now married and after a brief fling with a Subaru own a family friendly Passat, my mum has Insurance with Saga and owns a Honda Civic, my brother now has a MK1 GLS and a White GTI convertible. How did that happen and why did I sell the Scirocco!
Fast forward even more years and we get to now, my brother is 'refreshing' his/my MK1 GLS and posting on this site when he sees an advert for a MK2 Storm he e-mails me saying it's cheap and could be a good project. With a twist of fate this car turns out to be Bill the very car I had sold many years ago.
This is going to be a rather personal restoration as the whole family is joining in. Oh and I still have the turntable too.
NOW, Bill leaving Cornwall on his journey home....

On the drive, yes the rear wheel arches are that rusty and one has been pre-bodged for me.

Yes they are crusty, but that's the worst of the bodywork and I can buy repair panels, hurrah!
Ooh look a hole in the filler neck, how unusual.

Why do people jack up cars using the sills? (note new fuel tank in back of picture).

Not looking too bad, but the pictures are flattering to the paintwork.

I hope to post a few progress reports as the work commences.
Any help with sourcing missing parts would be fantastic I'll post in the wanted section as I need them.
But a big Thank-you goes to the Scirocco Register if it didn't exsist this whole reunion and project Bill may never have started.