Once the engine was fitted i then started on the wiring, thanks to rubjohnny off the mk1 golf forum and his guide i had already worked out what needed to be done. I had previously labelled up the 1.8t engine harness and removed everything i wasnt going to need, i had also done the same with the scirocco engine harness and temp put them both in place to see how they would fit (the scirocco light harness was untouched):
20. Engine wiring fitting.jpg
I kept the 1.8t battery and its fuse box which fitted on top, below is a diagram which includes everything that it can come with as standard:
1.8t battery fuse box pic.jpg
I kept the alternator wiring (S177) and the power to the interior fuse box relay panel (S176) from the 1.8t as they where in better condition than the sciroccos. I also kept the wiring from the 1.8t battery fuse box to the radiator sensor and to the coolant fan, I swopped the scirocco mk2 radiator sensor with the one from the 1.8t’s which was a direct replacement and would then fit the 1.8t plug. With the standard wiring from the sensor to the fan I cut the plug off the end so it was ready to join to a new slim line fan I was planning on using. This was the best option as it would allow for the fan to keep running even when the ignition was off like the audi a3 would intend to do. All other wiring was removed (S163 and S162) and spare fuses taken out (S179 and S178).
Below is a pic of the rear of the sciroccos CE1 fuse box and what they are and i will then list what i kept and where i wired in the 1.8t harness:
CE1 Fuse box rear pic.jpg
A (Blue – 28 pin) Instrument cluster wiring harness
B (Red 28 pin) Instrument cluster wiring harness (position 5 open)
C (Yellow – 22 pin) Engine compartment/engine management, left side (position 10 open)
D (White 29 pin) Engine compartment/wiper motor wiring harness, right (position 6, 10, 14, 18, 27, 28 open)
E (Black 18 pin) Rear wiring harness (position 17 open)
G (N/A) 1 pin with 10 individual circuits
H (Brown 6 pin) Air conditioning/coolant fan relay wiring harness
K (Neutral 5 pin) Seat belt warning system/coolant level wiring harness
L (Grey 4 pin) Horn wiring harness
L (Black 4 pin) Headlight/dimmer switch wiring harness
M (Black 2 pin) Steering column switch wiring harness
M (Black 2 pin) Headlight/dimmer switch wiring harness
N (Red 1 pin) Separately fused circuits (glow plug wiring harness)
P (Red 7 pin) 7 single point connectors for terminal 30 circuit
R (Green 2 pin) Open/ECU power supply relay
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