(She's a bit dirty at the moment)
To-do list:
- Fix rear wiper motor. (might be wire in boot)
- Replace heater blower motor. Have part, plan to follow Eefy's guide. (urgent as de-mist is nonexistent atm)
- Find supposed sunroof leaf (currently taped up)
- Clean, paint/replace rims
- Change rear light clusters (cracked). Have spare cluster however unfortunately it appears to be tinted.
- Change front indicator (cracked)
- Track down boot leakage (minimal){seems to have cleared up after changing real lights}
After all that and a good scrub it'll be a great running/looking car.
The good:

Remarkably good interior

Full history, and a few spare parts

Rear needs a good clean. Should the badges come up silver? Or are they matte black? Note the lights aren't tinted, unlike the spare. Rather annoying.

Rims need a good look at.

Bodywork isn't perfect. Quite a few botch paint jobs. Alright on the whole.
Look forward to cleaning/fixing her up, with all your help (thanks!)
Thanks for reading! I'd appreciate any advice.