Disaster of a weekend.

Went out on Saturday morning to post some ebay items off and my faithful old pal wouldn't start no matter how I tried.
Spent the rest of the day checking all the usual suspects and still ziltch.

Had some assistance with the s-i-l with his multi meter thinggy and she is still not kicking in.

We reckon there is fuel getting through, new spark plugs, coil, king lead and fuel filter fitted and there appears to be power to the dizzy but we are NOT getting a spark when we try to bridge it onto the engine. Tried it with a plug on the end and just the bare end but no sign of a spark.
We are coming to the conclusion it has something to do with the Hall sender or is this away off the mark ??????
Are hall senders readily available ?????????
Would a dizzy from a 1.8 injection fit a 1.6 carb or is it a completely different set up as I may have one ???????
Any clues on what to do next would be appreciated.
I'll be trawling the net looking for answers so don't be surprised if you see this on other sites.
Thanks in advance.