crusty rusty rocket

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james butler
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

for those who may be wondering a great place to get paint from in bulk is jawel paints.
there is a depo on the pershore road not far from me but they are all over the country apparently.
the guy at my local depo was very helpfull and knoledgable on what to use with what and they also sell all the equipment you will need too.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

so next i had a go at removing the spare wheel well which went ok.
the intention was to make space for a mk3 golf fuel tank which in the end really wont fit so going to have to admit defeat and get a standard one.

had to weld up the cross member piece as the spare wheel is sort of butted up to it.


the next bit took ages! and a lot of water to put out the underseal catching fire. although a bit of fire makes underseal so much easier to remove!


re undersealed


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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

next for geebeats sake, i tried fitting the twin fans.
1st i had to trim the cowling down.

its too long and tall standard as you can see by the rads

heres most of the fan chopped down to size, as you can see the method of fixing the fans to the rad is identical to the old style on the rocco.
just need a long rad!


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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by G Beats »

I see I'am coolio with it now just need these 2 parts.viewtopic.php?f=6&t=18807 Coming on my brother.Peace for now Gee Beats.

G Beats.Been into MK 2 V.W Sciroccos since 98.Now on my fourth MK 2 Scirocco. R.I.P two MK 2 Scala DX Engine's.Sold GT 2. No longer have a mk 2 v.w Scirocco as it was stolen back in February 2020 .Or another one know have a 1980s BMW.
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

its been a while but i have been busy working away at the massive "to do list" that comes with all projects.

i managed to get a fuel tank, form euro car parts of all places.

so first thing i did was underseal the life out of it!


like an idiot though i threw out the fuel sender which i needed but was badly rusty inside.
so a new one is on the shopping list
the one i was after was the one from a gt2 carb or similer because i was going to run an external fuel tank but hopefully ive got a dx one coming in the post soon.
but the one below is the type i was after, but im not sure it will fit as the origenal one was steel not plastic

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

next has been the fun bit! spraying the car in a colour ive wanted for some time.

first coat


second coat



i did a third coat yesterday but didnt have my phone on me to take some pics but my mate did.
as soon as i have them i will upload em!

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by bengould »

The metal and plastic senders are interchangeable. I had a plastic one without internal lift pump that I changed over to a metal one with a lift pump for my 20vt conversion.

Unfortunately I'm pretty sure I cracked the plastic one in the process. If it's any good you can have it, Not sure when I'll be at the lockup though.


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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

cheers ben, are you coming to the national meet as i could pick up then? ive got one coming in the post but i will take the one you have spare if thats ok just incase ive got the wrong one.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by bengould »

No, won't make it to the national meet too much going on at the moment.

I will make it to one one day though. :-)

I'll PM you next time I'm at the lockup and let you know.


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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

:beers: cheers buddy

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steve bain
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by steve bain »

Amazing the difference the paint makes. Is it an orange colour? Hard to tell with the lighting. What's it from? How much was the tank? Looks the same as mine.


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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

yes mate its traffic light orange apparently :-D all i need now is a red scirocco next and i have the set! (red amber and green)
i paid £130 i think for the tank from euro car parts as i wanted it now and nowhere else had them in stock.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

steve bain wrote:Amazing the difference the paint makes.
totally agree however im not sure what colour to paint the engine bay?
that being orange too would be a bit much plus keeping it reasonably clean i think would be a nuisance.
and i suppose when the bonnets shut no one will be the wiser!lol

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

i gotta admit even in the tent, the amount of bloomin bugs that keep coming in and landing on the wet paint is a real pita!
you would think the fumes would kill them or at least keep them at bay!

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steve bain
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by steve bain »

I read somewhere to let them dry into it. Once the paint dries you rub them away and they won't leave as much of a mark. Then after top coat flat it back and no one will ever know. It's when you try to remove them from wet paint it goes wrong!


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