Car back today from garage! Its only been in the garage for............ over a month!
They are a very friendly local place and were happy to work on it in-between jobs etc.... and as im still recovering i cant drive any way so absolutely no rush! (and they rather nicely only charged me a very small sum!)
Mechanic wasnt 100% happy as he couldnt get the idle perfect (it seems fine to me?!) but its running!
Basically problem was a few things
Air Leaks....
They checked my valve timing from the cambelt/cam seal change and confirmed it was set up OK, so no problems there! (woop!)
They timed the engine up better (i had it nearly there...!)
They reset the CO and fuelling, turns out my little garage CO analyser isn't that great
The other issue was.... Injector shrouds! I'd have never thought it myself or even found it
Where the injector goes into the head there are brass adaptors screwed into the head, these fit onto plastic injector shrouds. Turns out a couple were broken and letting too much air into the mixture.
Luckily VW heritage sell them (about £1.50 each) as they are NLA from VW
So now the horrid back fire has gone and the engine is running a lot better
Slight hiccup on way home from garage, i think the lift pump / main fuel pump may be on the way out as it spluttered a bit and nearly died. The lift pump has always been noisey since ive had the car and couldnt hear it when it spluttered. Also pulled over and started again and it was running fine, blasted it round the by-pass and no problems....! Could be the relay too i suppose?!
Anyway just happy i got the car home even though i cant drive at the moment (mechanic brought me back home in it)
Thanks for the advice and offers of help, hopefully were back and running again now.
I'll see how i get on with it for now, then possibly change the lift pump, main pump and relay
Then i gotta track down that annoying battery drain.... (i'm almost 100% sure its the radio)