right next i will have to tackle that rear drivers arch! WISH ME LUCK!
inner arch plate
inner sill plate
outer sill plate folded on the inside and welded to the inner sill plate for added strength and longevity
then the edge of the sill plate folded and welded to the inner arch plate
mark1gls wrote:Some brave work going on there, it's keeping you busy then?
Definitely keeping me busy. Once the welding is complete then I've got lots of boring filling and sanding to do.
Plus I want to remove the sunroof but haven't really thought how I'm going to fill the hole after.
sooooo, the passenger sides welded up and undersealed so down and dirty with the filler.
so remember this is what it looked like before!
it now looks loads better!!!
in my haste to clean up the roof rails i discovered/made worse a bloomin hole in the join
so the roof rails are being welded up and skimmed with filler. nothing really else for it.
thats going to take some sanding!
ive taken the passenger wing off for now untill i can find a new one SO THIS IS A SHOUT OUT TO THE HOARDERS I NEED A NEW WING pretty please!
and got some red oxide, which i have to say quite like the colour of!
and painted the front end
then most of the side
shocking i know, i think i got just a little carried away!
ive skimmed over it with filler now so once sanded down i will get another picture of the finished bit.
dont expect showroom fresh though because im not that great at bodywork so time will tell how it comes out.
Mr funk, i now know what pain you put your welder through making the bandits door handles fit! its a nightmare stopping the doors ripple form the heat.
still thinking about welding the sunroof up but GTXTRA made a good point of it buckling up the roof skin with the heat and the fact that once done it will need a skim of filler which would most likely crack if the car was subject to twisting which it will ie going up down kerbs or thrashing round corners or potholes.
so i might just lay a sheet of steel over the top and rivit it on.
need your opinion on that on autoad