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New rims/ arch rolling?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:34 pm
by plastermaster
Hi all,

just ordered some new rims for my storm :hugegrin: and the rears are 9x16 so presume ill
need arches rolling.

Question is does anyone know where i can get them done in the West Yorkshire area?

Thanks Steve.

Re: New rims/ arch rolling?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:11 pm
by Funky Diver
I take it you don't want to get your hands / face / general body dirty?

If you're happy to have a go, there's a tutorial of sorts on here somewhere about arch rolling.
If you do get them done at a body shop, make sure they a REALLY well rust treated / protected alse you won't have much of any kind of arch left in 2 years :hehe: