Steering rack Problem, I think

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Steering rack Problem, I think

Post by rocco1504 »

Hi everyone

I have had my GTX sitting for a long time, after it was trashed in a car park shunt, my car was parked by the way, anyway, it now appears to have lost it's steering.
I have had to move it a couple of times by pushing it rather than engine power, but now when I try to steer it, the steering wheel seems very heavy, then I get a sort pop/bang as if something is not engaging properly, if I had to guess, it almost sounds like a spline rod is not engaging properly, and when the pressure from trying to turn the wheels gets too much, it's turning without actually turning the wheels, in other words just going round in it's seating.
Sorry for the crap description, but I need to move the car soon and it's not much use if I can't steer it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I think i'm going to need to get someone to do it, as I'm no longer well enough to be crawling about under cars.

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Re: Steering rack Problem, I think

Post by bensspares »

it sounds like as you say, maybe the clamp nuts and bolts are loose on the steering universal joint....if the tyres are flat or underinflated this will compound the problem.

If it is not broken, Do not fix it !!!
rocco balboa
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Re: Steering rack Problem, I think

Post by rocco balboa »

sounds like the clamps , i also had this problem

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