General discussion focusing mainly on the cars and the Scirocco Register - other stuff within reason.
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Mk2 Green GTII with fox alloys driving along side me going past the Europa car garage in Sheffield. . . i dont think he saw me cos i didnt get a nod or a wave :(
flashed a red gt2 on the markeaton island in derby at about 5:30 tonight with a big sticker in the back window outango i think ... i was the loon in the silver mgf
Silver Mk2 Scala, I think, passed me on the A1 going north yesterday afternoon about 6pm, Reg ended with RST possibly, it was going too fast for me to catch it in my mates mazda!!
1990 Mk2 GT2 in Pearlescent green.
2012 BMW 520d M Sport
2013 Golf TDi 140bhp
Member No 1241
lenny125 wrote:Mk2 in red I think it was a F reg, going up the A3 towards Hindhead I did flash at him and got a wave back :D
That would have been me then - was on my way to a meeting in Loudwater. Long time lurker on here, first time posting.
I have a 1993 K red GT2. Picked it up at the beginning of the year - was a bit of a good find. 1 owner from new. Registered in April 1993 so must have been one of the last Mk2s to be registered. 103k miles with FSH. Must have been garaged all its life - in really good condition and totally original (well, until next week when a Jetex system is going on it!). I'm a bit of a VW enthusiast, having had mostly GTIs in the past - had always hankered after a Scirocco and when the chance came along for a minter I had to have it. Will post some piccies in the gallery.