Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:31 am
I need a kind indervidual to post up a photo of their Scala engine (1.8 inj k-jet DX) for me.
Ive just rebuilt it and I think I may have the small vacuum hoses that go on the little unit on the side of the dizzy, on the side of the air filter box and from the bulkhead that all connect to the intake manifold in the wrong places. My haynes manual is no help, the pictures are different to mine. Its running and drivable, it feels a little wrong.
So all I need are your pics of the three little hoses.
Thanks in advance!

Ive just rebuilt it and I think I may have the small vacuum hoses that go on the little unit on the side of the dizzy, on the side of the air filter box and from the bulkhead that all connect to the intake manifold in the wrong places. My haynes manual is no help, the pictures are different to mine. Its running and drivable, it feels a little wrong.
So all I need are your pics of the three little hoses.
Thanks in advance!