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Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:11 pm
by Funky Diver
Cpt Custom wrote:Hi Folks :newbie:

Let me introduce you all to 'Poppy'.


For those of you who've not come across my "newbie" post, Poppy is a much-loved 1987 D Reg 1.6 Volkswagen Scirocco GT Coupe who sadly has seen better days. We bought her way back in 1992 when she had less than 50,000 miles on the clock. We have now owned her for nearly 18 years and only put her into storage in 2004 when we could no longer afford to run two cars.

At that time she was taxed and had a valid MOT, but now she has a SORN in place. Our intention was always to have her restored, but I'm afraid that having had her assessed recently by our local independent VW specialist (ADP in Starbeck) and with a limited budget available to us we had begun to think that for us at least restoring her wasn’t viable.

I say that because despite having been a car fanatic for many years, I’ve never gained any mechanical skills. I am a total novice and so to restore her properly I would need to get much of the work done professionally. And given that with any such project labour forms such a large part of it I thought I was finally going to have to let her go.

However, despite putting her onto eBay to try and find her a new home, we have not been able to bring ourselves to part with her. Instead, we’ve decided to keep her and I’m going to sell my 2009 Mazda 3 Sport, which is the only car I’ve had from new, to finance Poppy’s rebuild/restoration. After we’ve cleared off the outstanding finance the intention is that what’s left will be for the 'Poppy Fund'.


My relatives all think I’m totally mad, which is always possible, but I’m hoping to find some kindred spirits within this site that might even be able to help me deal with what lies ahead. Speaking of kindred spirits, I’d like to say a big thank you to the guys who've already gone out their way to welcome me onto the forum and to offer some initial advice.

Externally the body is generally in reasonable condition though the paintwork is scratched and the bonnet needs replacing. The GT body kit is undamaged, but needs some restorative work doing to bring it back up. Internally, she is also still in reasonable condition for a 23 year-old car with almost 200,000 miles on the clock.

Her main problems lie underneath where much work will be required. Initial inspection by ADP suggests that she’ll need: 2 front springs; welding to the back suspension; fuel lines; lower suspension arms; welding to the offside rear inner wheel arch; and the clutch appears to be on its way out. In addition, she would need servicing and possibly a new cambelt fitting. All that before I even consider what I’d like to alter or update.

So, she is indeed a poorly old girl, but like I've said we are serious about getting her back on the road. We want to do her properly and the intention is that she’ll become my daily driver as she was throughout the late Eighties and Nineties. To achieve that I’m thinking we need to:

• Make her sound: by getting all the crap and rust cut away underneath and any necessary panels repaired and/or replaced so as to provide a sound platform upon which to justify spending more money.
• Make her safe: by getting all the mechanical faults identified in the pre-MOT check sorted.
• Make her reliable: by getting the engine and running gear looked at - not sure yet whether to just patch up the engine as is or look at a rebuild.
• Make her pretty: by sorting out the bodywork, replacing the bonnet etc and getting her re-sprayed.
• Make her comfortable: by sorting out the interior - new seats etc.

Having said all that, this will be our first ever restoration project so progress may be slow. In which case please be kind with your comments - I’ll need all the encouragement I can get.

By the way, if you want to see what Poppy looked like in her prime and more importantly what she’s like now, please check out the following sets on Flickr:

How she used to be


How she is now


Did you paint the wheels black... or are they just dirty? :hehe:

Least you have a good soundish car with potential and history. The end result will be even more satisfying :yup:

Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:34 am
by Cpt Custom
Funky Diver wrote:Did you paint the wheels black... or are they just dirty? :hehe:

Least you have a good soundish car with potential and history. The end result will be even more satisfying :yup:
Mmmmm ... not too sure about the "soundish" bit, but definitely got "potential and history"! :hugegrin:

Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:21 pm
by Cpt Custom


Pleased to report that I’ve taken a few small steps forward over the last few days. Firstly, after much deliberation, I’ve decided on what to do about the front brakes. I’m going to upgrade them to 256mm discs. I really fancied going for 280mm G60s, but apart from the looks I couldn’t come up with any sound arguments for going down that route. It might be different if I was planning to drop in a much bigger engine, but I reckon 256mm will be more than adequate for the stock 1.6. In fact, even if I drop in a 1.8 or 2.0 lump I think the 256mm discs will suffice.

One small concession to looks might be to change the back drums to discs. That’s if I can pick up a back axle from a Mk2 Golf GTi. If you know where I can get my hands on one please give me a shout.

I’ve also managed to pick up a few replacement panels from bensspares , all of which are better than what I have at the moment …







In addition to the above panels, I’ve also bought a new bonnet and a set of Hockenheim wheels. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t all fit into the wife’s Fiesta so I need to pop back down in a few days time to pick them up. This time I’ve got a van organised so getting them home shouldn’t be a problem.

The wheels have got a few knocks, but as I’m not sure the original steels will get though an MOT I thought they were worth buying. It means that once she gets her ticket I can run her on those without immediately needing to dash out and buy new wheels. They’re kind of a stop gap and as such will do nicely.

Incidentally, I think Ben still has a few bits left to clear so if you need anything why not check out his listing in the ‘Cars Breaking’ section … ... =31&t=6492

Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:47 pm
by Dutch GT
Good Luck ! People will think you are crazy, but the 'rocco is a cracking looking car. I will keep checking your progress with particular attention to the brakes. Are you putting braided hoses on while you're at it? Seems to be a worthwhile addition. Where did you source the parts for the upgrade?

The mrs' car (which I am soon going to pretend is mine) is also a red GT in need of TLC, but we love it.

Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:25 pm
by Cpt Custom
Dutch GT wrote:Good Luck ! People will think you are crazy ...
Yeah, forgot to mention the braided hoses. Even if I was sticking with the 256mm I would have gone vented with hoses. As for where I'm sourcing the bits, I've been scouring the net looking for the best prices as I want to put on EBC Ultimax on the front. Will post details once I have everything sourced.



Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:11 pm
by Cpt Custom
Just a quick update as I start to gather some of the parts I need to progress with the work on Poppy.

A few days ago I got a loan of a van so I could go back down to Leicester to get the ‘new’ bonnet from Ben (bensspares). Picked it up along with a set of 15” Hockenheim wheels wrapped in 195/50 rubber.

The bonnet, like the wings and doors I got the week before, is already prepped somewhat and in white primer. Compared to what’s on Poppy at the moment it’s like new - I love it!



Gave the Hockenheims a clean today and really happy with how they’re looking. They’re not perfect, a little worse for the wear inside and kerbed somewhat on the front. However, they’re better and bigger than what she’s wearing right now so that’s a start until I get something better sorted.


Even better today, I took delivery today of a set of shiny Girling 54 calipers and matching carriers from Brakes International.


Still waiting on the discs and pads coming from DC Performance and then I have everything for upgrading to 256mm discs up front.

At the back I’m getting rid of the drums and going for discs there too. Picked up a rear brake conversion from a Mk2 Golf on eBay at the weekend, which should also arrive soon.


Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:19 pm
by Cpt Custom
More goodies arrived today. This time the Ultimax discs and the Green Stuff pads.


Interestingly, though I ordered online from DC Performance the boxes show Euro Car Parts ... does anybody know what the link is between the two?


Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:37 pm
by ianaudia4
Probably bought cheaper from them and sold on for a profit!

Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:36 pm
by bensspares
very strange seeing my ex pannels & wheels against someone elses wall,but good to see they have a good home,you certainly wern't lying about the original bonnet.
i also think your mad but totaly understand your motive.good luck with poppy.

Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:15 pm
by Cpt Custom
bensspares wrote:very strange seeing my ex pannels & wheels against someone elses wall,but good to see they have a good home,you certainly wern't lying about the original bonnet.
i also think your mad but totaly understand your motive.good luck with poppy.
Thanks Ben .... I think! :stupid:

Seriously, I'm dead chuffed with the bits you sold me. I think I understand how difficult it was for you to part with your Scirocco, given how close I came to getting rid of Poppy. However, at least you've helped keep a few more of them on the road.

Keep in touch!


Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:45 am
by bensspares
parting with my scirocco was the hardest decision i ever made.after 24 years and owning over 20 of them my time is served.

on a posative, iv been looking at houses in devon & tennerife & i guess the next big desision is where to live next.coinsidentily,i saw my first scirocco in devon in 1978 and i guess thats when the vw bug bit me.

dont listen to anyone who is against your restoration,its not about value or profit but the ability to overcome the negatives and having the determination to see something to the end.


Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:40 pm
by G Beats
nice its comeing on love the new shiney parts will look good when you have them all on the rocco.

Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:02 pm
by mazellann
Look forward to seeing the car when its done, my favourite colour red with the black bodykit.

Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:57 pm
by Cpt Custom
geebeats wrote:nice its comeing on love the new shiney parts will look good when you have them all on the rocco.
Cheers ... I certainly hope they do. Just got these too ...


I just hope I got the right ones! It says Golf GTi Mk 1 / Scirocco Rear Disc so they should do ... I hope! :dunno:

Re: Project Poppy - 1987 MkII GT

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:58 pm
by Cpt Custom
mazellann wrote:Look forward to seeing the car when its done, my favourite colour red with the black bodykit.
Cheers Tony. Should have feedback tomorrow on the pre-MOT so we'll see what that highlights.
