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New Rocc!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:59 am
by Jay4424
I picked up my new Scirocco on monday from Sidewalkdave.

having driven it round southampton yesterday then all the way back home to the midddlands last night, I'm learning little things along the way!

the first big enjoyment came when I learn't it had and MFA!!! ...the next thing i realised was that it was only doing 25.5mpg! ...after a good blast down the motor way yesterday, this morning just driving round the back streets its reading 33 odd mpg ...just needed blasting through oviously!

the brakes could do with looking at, and the engine is alittle lumpy when ticking over and at a constante speen, but I'm goign to change/chack all electrics and pipes which should clear this up.

...just need to make sure that I don't spend all my time effort and money ion this one, as the whole reason for me having a second car was that I can restore my first rocco (Mk2 GT2)!

Cheers Dave for a great car, shame your now roccoless, but I'm sure you'll be back soon!!!

... oh, and I've named it Roxie!

Jay. :groove: :dance: :yahoo:

Re: New Rocc!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:22 am
by fonzooorooo
roxie. nice.

last time I was down at gareth's getting tyres, he had a green GT11 outside ("for a customer") so there's always hope you can wave to another green'un round Burton way... :bye:

Re: New Rocc!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:10 am
by Boumsong

Come on dude! Images!

Awesome news all the same though, nice one. Maybe this one could be the start of the Quattro conversion eyy?? :P

Re: New Rocc!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:01 pm
by sidewalkdave
glad your enjoying it, i dont like being roccoless but needs must. Glad your happy with it and hope your experiences init are as good as mine yeah i never mentioned it had mfa brilliant bit of kit and hope you enjoyed the boot of bits :beers:

Re: New Rocc!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:23 am
by Jay4424
Boumsong wrote:Image

Come on dude! Images!

Awesome news all the same though, nice one. Maybe this one could be the start of the Quattro conversion eyy?? :P
Dam you!, this car is staying standard, I have my toy which I may well convert in to many things, but this is fine as is! And great as is!

...plugs and leads replaced (number two spark was sparking outside the cylinder! Running is better but not perfect! ...checking all pipes and sensors next, then the head!

The boot full of goodies! Love them, I now have a matching set of wheels for both roccos and the caravan (all on avus' ...snowflakes!).

Cheers again dave :-)... Picks will follow shortly, when I see it in daylight!

Re: New Rocc!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:11 am
by Jay4424
Drove the Goof today (Mk2 GTI) nd the power is Soooo much more than the Sclala... I thought it was the same engine?

the goof had soo much more pick up, and better ecconomy... whats wrong?

....Might be checking the head gasket sooner than I planned!


Re: New Rocc!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:30 am
by fonzooorooo
i thought "the engine is awesome!"

Re: New Rocc!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:19 pm
by Jay4424
fonzooorooo wrote:i thought "the engine is awesome!"
It is compared to the GT2, but still nothing to the goof it now seems. :-(