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Brake pressure regulator

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:39 pm
by A in M
I have a 92 GT2. It passed an MOT about 6 weeks ago. It has new calipers and new 5.1 fluid. After using hard pedal pressure the front brakes bind. Leave the car standing for about an hour and they are free. Could this be linked to the pressure regulator? Do they often give trouble? Thanks for any advice.

Re: Brake pressure regulator

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:00 pm
by A in M
No one? It must be either mechanical not releasing ( the rods) or something hydraulic being under pressure, either the master cylinder or even a collapsed internally flexi pipe.

Re: Brake pressure regulator

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:36 pm
by markh
It could be down to the pressure regulator Jeff, but if the flexi hoses were'nt renewed with the calipers it could be possible that they are beginning to perish.

Re: Brake pressure regulator

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:42 pm
by A in M
It was the master cylinder. When I bled the brakes I should have used a pressure vessel like an easibleed but I didn't. I floored the pedal and, as someone else has commented in another thread, this can knacker an old cylinder.New cylinder from Europarts was £30 (the ones they have listed are wrong. They swapped the wrong one after getting into some VW database to find the right one). Easibled and now its OK. Thanks for the reply Mark.