Blower Fan Broken

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Blower Fan Broken

Post by MK21800 »

My heater blower fan just suddenly stopped working the other day.

Have pulled fuse (14 I think) and was obviously blown. Tried another fuse. No response. So now assuming the motor has seized or similar.

I was under the impression for some reason that this was a fairly simple job, but reading about it, it turns out to be a bit of an involved difficult one to pull the fan motor out.

Are there some other checks I can do first gaining easier access, like checking for bunged up with leaves and that kind of stuff, perhaps from the scuttle bay, or am I doomed to try and have to pull this motor out?

Cheers. Any ideas welcome.

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Re: Blower Fan Broken

Post by craigwalton »

I’d take a look under the scuttle tray where you’ll also see the resistor (or some electrical component) with connectors that could be broken or corroded. The way I replaced my blower was via the scuttle tray, but had to remove the wiper linkage.

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Re: Blower Fan Broken

Post by MK21800 »

Thanks for that.

Slight update - I had a look and I've actually got the thing going again by rotating a few times by hand and just shooting a bit of WD40 generally in the motor etc. - popped a new fuse in and it works, but only on setting 3 of the switch indicating to me that the resistor is gone. No problem, I can sort that in due course, but at least I have a working fan now.

Two things -

1 : Without taking the motor out, is WD40 the best option, or is there another recommended lubricant that I can get on to it with limited access - sewing machine oil for example? Can I access it enough from the scuttle panel to whack this in?

2 : My fan does not appear to have a cage cover leaf guard thing on it - maybe the source of my problems because it's just there sucking in whatever crap is in the scuttle area without a cage in the way - does anyone have the correct part number for this? And also, how does it fit on? Because I am missing mine, I have no reference as to this. Anyone got a pic or a diagram?

Hopefully if I lubricate it some more, and fit a cage on, maybe fit a new resistor I should improve the situation quite a lot without having to remove the motor, as the motor sounds quite healthy when it is going, no screeching or anything, just sounds normal.

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Re: Blower Fan Broken

Post by GT_II »

The blower grill is part number 171819099A - looks to be secured with two screws. If you search on this part number online, there are plenty of pictures.

Edit: This part is only fitted on the Golf Mk1, not the Scirocco. The Scirocco instead uses grilles under the bonnet vents, part numbers 533819100B and 533819099B
Last edited by GT_II on Fri Dec 20, 2024 12:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Blower Fan Broken

Post by Blueshark »

171819099A is the partnumber for the leaf guard from the Golf.
You might have some problems by fitting it in due the Scirocco having less space under the wiper mechanism.

Regards Joost