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Trying to find my old MK2

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:23 am
by rocco1504
I've not been on here for many years now as I sold my GTX about 8-10 years ago.
I have just done a search on the reg plate and it seems that she's still being used, or at least MOT'D and taxed.
I'm really wanting to know if she might be available for sale, and if anyone may know who owns her.
The details are
VW MK2 Scirocco GTX in Jade Green, looks like grey.
Reg No E799MBD
Anyway, I hope if there's still members here from all that time ago that everyone is still doing well.
If anyone does know where and who owns her I'd be grateful for any information, obviously through private emails etc.
Kind regards

Re: Trying to find my old MK2

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 2:38 am
by WreckTangle
Here is a lead for you. ... er_day_but

That Reddit post contains a number of pictures of old cars which you can scroll through by pressing on the arrow on the right. Number 3 is your old car seemingly photographed on 16th March 2021.

With fairly minimal effort I’ve found the place that picture was taken. I’ll PM you the address for Google Street View.

It’s a bit scary what information you can find on the public internet. Just be so careful if you put pictures on social media.

Re: Trying to find my old MK2

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 3:46 am
by rocco1504
Hi friend
Many thanks for letting me know about this, and I would like to take you up on the offer, so if you just want to PM me we can go from there.
I had that car as 2nd owner and had it for about 10 years so if its just sitting on the road not being used much, I'd really like to buy it back and do all the work I was going to do, I still have loads of parts for it.
It is very scary how easy it is to track people down just from pictures and Social media posts, I've done it myself plenty of times, which is why I don't tend to put too much on websites.
I did find out that it was a member here who sold it in 2019 and I PMd him but no reply yet..
Anyway, many thanks again and hope to hear.
Kind regards

Re: Trying to find my old MK2

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 2:09 am
by WreckTangle
I sent you a PM on Friday 2nd. Let me know if you’re having trouble reading it and I can post the details. All from the public Internet anyway.

Re: Trying to find my old MK2

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 12:35 pm
by rocco1504
Sorry for the late reply.
Yes, I did receive your message so thank you for that.
Not quite sure how to go about contacting the owner as the location couldn't be much further from me
I think I'll just have to keep an eye out to see if he sells it.
But many thanks again for your help