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ALternator belt pulleys not lining up

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:26 am
by Nutty
Ah, the joy of classic motoring..
Being in the process of changing the cam belt on Nutty I noticed that the belt pulleys on the crank shaft and water pump are not terribly well aligned, must be the best part of 2mm out. What is the consensus on creating a spacer and fitting that under the belt pulley of the water pump, good idea or is there something more sinister happening. The good news, so far nothing broken in the changing process. :groove:

Re: ALternator belt pulleys not lining up

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 9:36 pm
by BlackGT
When I fitted a new waterpump and pulley last year I had exactly this issue, I think it was the new pulley that has a slightly smaller offset from the pump than the old one. I added cardboard spacers under the pulley until it lined up correctly, has been fine since.

Re: ALternator belt pulleys not lining up

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:37 pm
by mark1gls
Seems common to have a water pump pulley not line up..
Better to fit a washer behind the pulley on the water pump instead of cardboard, the cardboard will get wet overtime and rust the bolts so you may move problem removing them next time.
A little smear of copper grease on the bolts will help taking it apart next time easier.

Re: ALternator belt pulleys not lining up

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:31 pm
by Nutty
Thanks for the info.