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3/4 Point Unit

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 8:19 am
by liam_0404
Hello all.

Over the weekend I replaced all of the vacuum pipes on my Pierberg 2e2 carb, to try and sort the issue of the revs sticking at 3k. I did this and it was running fine for the past few days, however this morning the revs got stuck at 3K! I pumped the 3/4 unit with my hand a few times and this did seem to drop the revs back, but after 5 mins they shot back up. Repeat this for a half hour journey.

Is there something I've missed? Must be the 3/4 unit or associated as it did sort itself out after I pushed it. If it still plays up I'll just take the adjuster screw completely out so it doesn't make contact, as it's doing my head in!!

I also "reset" the waxstat unit in hot water, and tried to replace the O-ring on the inlet manifold but how the heck do you get to those last 2 inner bolts?! Gave up in the end!! Bloody Sciroccos!!


Re: 3/4 Point Unit

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 4:57 pm
by scirockirb
Sorry for the late reply, haven't been on for a while. I had this with my old pierburg and I thought I'd "reset" my waxstat. I bumped into a neighbour in the boozer who was a vw mechanic in the early 90's and he swore it was going to be the waxstat. He even said he'd pay for it if he was wrong. He was right! I discovered that the new waxstat had almost double the movement of my old "reset" waxstat which made all the difference. It continued to run perfectly for the next year until the engine came out.

Re: 3/4 Point Unit

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 6:12 pm
by bensspares
Yes, my past experience with this problem was always the waxstat.