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Injector Replacement K-Jet

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 7:10 am
by jimmy h
Last time mine were removed over 20 years ago, the plastic cups that they sit in, pretty much disintegrated. It was OK at the time as I was rebuilding the engine and I had the cylinder head off, so it was fairly easy to remove the remnants. I did not replace the injectors at the time.
A few months ago I purchased new Bosch injectors and now at 143K miles on the originals I'm tempted to replace, but I'm not experiencing any running issues - and I'm thinking if it isn't broke don't fix it.
What is the experience of others on here about this? Am I likely to experience the same again, and will the head have to come off?

Re: Injector Replacement K-Jet

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 10:37 pm
by duggers
I would leave well alone if all is good. You're likely to need to have the head off in the future for HG or decoke etc so I would fit them when that is needed.
K-jet injectors are fairly simple in design so using decent fuel and giving it a good Italian tune up every now and again is useful.

Re: Injector Replacement K-Jet

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 9:49 am
by mark1gls
Both times I've had to replace my injectors is when they leak fuel when you switch the car off so the engine is flooded with fuel and runs lumpy at first till the extra petrol burns off, I found unplugging the 5th injector helped as not adding extra fuel on start up but if you have none of these problems I would leave them alone till you need to do anything with them.

Re: Injector Replacement K-Jet

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 5:23 pm
by scrappy1382
my number 2 injector ( looking left to right ) is leaking and have the occasional lumpy start for a short while. im not gonna bother with it untill i decide to do a hg change and refurb. i just put up with it.