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How do change the lights to cater for large grill

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:04 pm
by RoccoGTII

Bidding for a grill and Im not sure how to change the lights from the full beam set (next to grill) to the main lenses on the outer side of the car (next to indicator). Does anyone know how to do this?

The car is a GTII mk2


Re: How do change the lights to cater for large grill

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:13 pm
by Nate
i though you just had to unplug take them off. the outer headlight do dip and main beam already, so there's no wiring modifications needed to stay legal, although a decent headlight loom upgrade would be wise - without the inner spot lights your main beam will be 'jolly poor' (language edit by Filmidget ;) ). uprated loom and some higher powered bulbs (85/100 instead of 55/65) and you should be sorted.

wouldn't advise higher powered bulbs without the loom upgrade. this will most likely result in your headlight switch dying very quickly

Re: How do change the lights to cater for large grill

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:24 pm
by RoccoGTII
Cheers for speedy reply

Where can i get the uprated loom from?

Quite hesitant in doing this at the moment, do you think its a good idea? :-<

Will keep all the bits to make it original again.


Re: How do change the lights to cater for large grill

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:16 pm
by sidewalkdave
you just unplug the inner lights then tape up the connecters, i have done this on my rocco i have not upgraded the bulbs or loom as i hardly ever use full beams

Re: How do change the lights to cater for large grill

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:44 am
by eefy
How do mate here's how i did mine :) ... f=13&t=368

i never drive with full beams on (unless arounf country lanes) so have never missed the inner headlights :) just unplug and tape up, goodluck

Re: How do change the lights to cater for large grill

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:51 am
by bwilliams
For £16 off ebay id also upgrade the lighting loom as its the simplest mod ever!! and oh my god theres such a difference.

I bought one and put it off for over a month cos im lazy, but god cut and crimp 2 wires and attach it to the battery and hey presto uber lights.

Re: How do change the lights to cater for large grill

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:44 pm
by Nate
as standard, the headlights aren't switched by a relay. the uprated looms use larger cable than standard, switched via a relay or two, and the cable is much sorter. this means you get a full 12v at the headlights, whereas with the standard wiring you're lucky if you see 9v

Re: How do change the lights to cater for large grill

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:19 pm
by RoccoGTII
Hi everyone, well impressed with the response, gald I joined the forum and going to register too (hurry up with the forms). That's it for being nice......

Conversion looks good and really grateful for advice and pics.

However, will need the full beam though :shock:

Seen a wiring loom on ebay (attached link below). Do you think this will do the job in terms of running main beam lights. Im a bit thick with electrics as fitting a radio is difficult - can manage other mechanical things :focus: ... 7C294%3A50

Any thoughts? Others may find this useful to increase there viewing power at night!

Re: How do change the lights to cater for large grill

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:34 am
by bwilliams
If you disconnect the inner lights, remove them and tape up the connectors. Full beam will then happen on the outta lights. Disconnect them and have a look, it really is that easy.

I got my loom upgrade from ebay got £16, they come with instructions and very easy to fit so i wouldnt worry youll have no problem fitting it. If you do just post on the forum and someone will happily help.