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problem with hands free bluetooth kit factory fitted

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:58 pm
by carolynH
Not sure if anyone has had this problem before or ha any idea what could be causing it.
The handsfree kit in my car searches for the bluetooth signal, connects then switches the hansdfree kit off and turns it back on and keeps repeating this cycle for the whole of the journey.
I have tried reconnecting the phone in case my recent software upgrades have caused this, but as suspected it didnt make any difference. I tried to disconnect the handsfree by taking the display off the cradle altogether but instead the inbuilt system picks up and does this through the radio - which is even more annoying as it tells me every time it picks up the phone that is has connected.
I don't know if this will be covered by warranty? It came fitted as an optional extra to the car by the first owner so want to try and rectify myself if I can.

Has anyone had this problem before? and if so is it a factory job or can i "update" something and fix it cause its flippin annoying!!

Re: problem with hands free bluetooth kit factory fitted

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:42 am
by Nate
For starters, try a different phone. This will then confirm it is the car and not your handset.

How old is the car? Still under manufacturer warranty? If yes, pop in to your local dealer and ask. Worst they can do is say it not covered.

Re: problem with hands free bluetooth kit factory fitted

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:00 pm
by carolynH
its booked in to see them thursday. The parts dept seemed to think it was quite common to be the contacts on the mini screen. I know this to be incorrect as it does the same via the in radio one too - thats even more annoying cause I have a weird man keeps telling me my phone has connected lol

fingers crossed it wont be much and they will fix it free :) its a 60 plate so but I bought it less than a yr ago and i think it came with 1yr warranty.......