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Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:09 pm
by crashbanggg
I'm having some issues with my electrics. Over the past few days, the window wipers, electric windows and heater have been randomly cutting out, which is becoming a bit of an issue when it's raining and the car is steaming up! They do appear to work again after stopping the car for a bit, then trying again. However the radio works constantly, as do the lights.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong? I'm planning a decent drive tomorrow so could do with getting it sorted ASAP! It's a 1992 mk2 GT2 if that helps.

Re: Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:17 pm
by Nate
ignition switch (particularly if you've got a big bunch of keys)
water ingress into fuse box

Re: Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:07 pm
by crashbanggg
I have been trying to ignore this and just put up with it, however it appears to be getting worse and im getting colder!

I have a feeling it must be the ignition switch as it will occasionally kick in with a bit of a wiggle of the key, but not every time. Would it be a case of replacing the ignition switch to get it sorted? If so, how hard of a job is it to do? And where would I find one?

Edit; and it now appears to be they won't start initially, but remain working when they eventually kick in

Re: Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:39 pm
by Jack92
What work continuously after they kick in? The wipers, windows? Or everything?

Re: Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:00 pm
by crashbanggg
Everything! (Though they did cut out for about 5 minutes on my commute today, but then cut back in)

Re: Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:45 pm
by ianaudia4
Earths, especially the one from the block to the coil!

Re: Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:00 pm
by crashbanggg
I'll take a look at them tomorrow!

I went out today in the dry, then started pissing it down on the way home, cue wipers deciding not to work. Waited 15 minutes and they finally kicked in, started driving got about 5 mins in and they cut out again. Resulted in stopping every 500 yrds to manually wipe the windows to try and make it home. Finally kicked in again, until I turned the headlights on and they immediately cut out again mid stroke. Waited 10 minutes and they worked again (This time I left the lights off consciously) however after about 5 minutes I subconsciously put the radio on... which cut them out again.

Absolute ballache. Took over an hour to do a 20 minute journey with all the stopping to wait/ wipe the windows!!

Re: Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:09 pm
by mark1gls
Have you checked to see if the fusebox is dry? Check the drainage holes in the front scuttle panel, under the plastic that covers your heater blower/wiper motor, there is 2 holes with rubber boots in which can get blocked with leaves etc and stop the water draining out then water gets into the car and drips on the fuse box causing alsorts of problems. Also check that all the gromits are there and there is no holes in the bulkhead letting water in.

Re: Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:19 pm
by crashbanggg
I'm going to stick the car in the garage tomorrow and have a good look over it and give all the suggestions a look into!

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:32 pm
by crashbanggg
I finally got round to having a look at this problem today... and its now sorted!

We spent a while testing the wires coming off the back of the ignition to see if that had any clues, as well as checking the fuse box for any dampness/ check the fuses were alright (Which they were). We then had a look at the wiring diagrams in the haynes manual and noted that all the things that were going wrong, all ran through the load reducing relay '18', we then had a look at this relay (Cleaned the contacts, made sure it was in right ect) and then tried tapping it... which momentarily made everything work! Until it cut out again, tapped it again and it all burst back into life again. Eureka. Rang a local VW breakers, picked up a new relay, put it in... and it works!

Thanks for all the suggestions/ help!

Re: Wipers, windows and heater randomly dying

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:30 pm
by Jack92
glad you got it sorted mate :)