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Any info on a Jetex exhaust system please.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:20 pm
by Dougiegreenskala
:hi: Hello again Guys and Galls, as above really. My system is about to die so I thought I might get a Jetex system put on, but could do with a few questions answered please. Which one is best, are they stainless, any trouble getting them fitted, and cost ? I know I'm asking a lot, but I really need some help on this one. :scratch:

Thanking you all in advance, Oh yeh, I'm driving a 1990 1800i Scala.

Cheers for now,

Doug. :bye:

Re: Any info on a Jetex exhaust system please.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:34 pm
by ianaudia4
Hello Dougie, long time no hear my friend!

Jetex are a quality make, I had one fitted to a MK3 Golf GTi I had, it wasn't stainless steel though but I had no bother in the 3 years I had the car.

Shop around, they usually sell for £220-£250, but worth playing one supplier off against another!

The twin pipe one looks best IMHO.

You coming to the National on Saturday?

Re: Any info on a Jetex exhaust system please.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:38 pm
Just had a new one fitted to the Scala to replace the previous one that had lasted since good quality for sure fact all my cars except for the GTL have a Jetex. Totally recommended.

C and R Enterprises, see the discount list on main site will sell at a good price if you mention the club.

Re: Any info on a Jetex exhaust system please.

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:48 pm
by james butler
I have a Jetex exhaust, but I only fitted the back box and had a straight through front pipe as this performed better and sounded better on my carbed rocko.
I had to cut and reweld the bendy bit over the axle to get it to fit right.
Other than that its great.
Oh yeah don't fit the crap rubber hangers that come with the exhaust kit, try and reuse the old ones.
The new ones melt very easy with a bit of heat.

Re: Any info on a Jetex exhaust system please.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:51 am
by Dougiegreenskala
:hi: As always, thanks for all your help and the C and R Enterprises tip guys. :hugegrin:

Does anyone know if its possible to get the complete system, or is just the rear section that's available ?

Would love to be at the meet on Saturday Ian but am working unfortunately mate :ire: hope to catch up with you on the next one. Cheers for now and enjoy Sat,


Re: Any info on a Jetex exhaust system please.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:45 pm
by james butler
Euro car parts sold mine to me for £212 + vat.
I think they still do them ( the complete kit, from down pipe back.)

Re: Any info on a Jetex exhaust system please.

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:05 pm
by mr.brown
Dougiegreenskala wrote: Does anyone know if its possible to get the complete system, or is just the rear section that's available ?

Re: Any info on a Jetex exhaust system please.

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:59 pm
by MikeH
They're from the end of the downpipe back. Contrary to what's posted a bit above, I'd say the Jetex rubbers and clamps are better than normal, and would use them.

2" is more than big enough for up to 150 bhp, so don't go for 2.5" as it will cost you bottom end power.

Re: Any info on a Jetex exhaust system please.

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:23 am
by beekeeper
i've had this for a while but its done very little mileage.

2.5 inch jetex rally system.

£80 if its of any use to you.
