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Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:45 pm
by DJPremier
Man. This is such sad news. Ian was a gentleman; a gentle man. The world needs more of that, not less.

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:13 pm
by henri
Also my condoleances for all family and friends, for this big loss.
Ian was also a member of ( ianaudia4 )

gr Henri

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:25 pm
by Dr. Dub
Very saddened and shocked to hear this. My deepest sympathies to his family and friends.

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:26 pm
by sander hoogendijk

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:52 pm
by Mr Funk
Put a note in the diaries - Saturday February 7th.

Mr Fleetwood will be taking care of logistics on the ground but it'll be an afternoon start in London taking in some of Ian's haunts.

All are invited, just come wearing your drinking underwear.

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 5:20 am
by go-for-it1
Shocking to be taken so soon. I looked forward to the meets when Ian would be there as we always had good banter, meets will never be the same without him in his usual position of head deep under someone else's bonnet or dashboard helping to sort their problems. I will remember him every time I switch on my radio as he fitted it in 10 minutes at Harewood House last year.
My thoughts are with Chamila and his family, they must be devastated as many of us on the forums are by this sad news.
God bless you mate and rest in peace.

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:02 pm
by agazaka
I've got text message with funeral date on 19/12/2014. Sean, do you have more detailed information?

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:09 pm
by Old Mac Rocco
Just found this.
Absolutely gutted.
One of life's gems.
Gone but NEVER to be forgotten.
We'll all miss you Ian and thanks for all the good you did when you were with us.
Hope you took your tool kit with you as I never met you without one.
Catch you later.
Old Mac Rocco

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:10 pm
by Tempest
Deepest sympathies from me, too, truly shockedwhen I heard the news.

As many have already said, Ian was usually seen helping others at meets, genuinely getting his hands dirty and fixing things there and then. What a great guy to pull those things off. He certainly sparked the enthusiasm in anyone meeting him.

He will indeed be greatly missed.


Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:01 pm
by hiltow
Truly awful news. I never met Ian, but have read and valued his helpful contributions to this forum over the years. My condolences to Ian's family at this sad time.

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:32 pm
agazaka wrote:I've got text message with funeral date on 19/12/2014. Sean, do you have more detailed information?

No further info Agnes - Petegli will be finding out more later this week and will update.

By way of tribute the next batch of calendars ordered will bear, we are trying to sort, a photo and a name check on one of the covers to this most special club member.

The comments on here and on facebook have been fantastic to read.

Having spent so much time with Ian, in particular in the last 18 months with working and living nearish to each other, I think what I'm going to miss the most is his 'c'mon, let's just get on with it' attitude. That and the side-splitting walks around shows such as Inters or Bromley where we'd spot some monstrosity.................. words were often not required to gauge our respective reaction to some gruesome beige Leyland or hand-painted Renault or whatever.


You should've heard what he thought about this............


and this...........


Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 11:07 pm
by ThomasD
Incredibly sad news. I had never met Ian in person, but wrote back and forth with him many times, both before and after purchasing my brown Storm - a very nice fellow.

My deepest condolences to everyone who was close to Ian.


Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 11:18 pm
by chris_d66
I never got to meet Ian,
But last March I drove to his parents to collect a front bumper for my mk2, It was a fare distance but worth while because I got to meet a wonderful couple who made me and my wife very welcome with a cup of tea.
Unfortunately due to his work we did not get to meet Ian that day.
I just want to give this parents my condolences and to say Ian was a hive of information, nothing was to much trouble and genuinely a great guy and will be missed by us all.

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:31 pm
by MikeH
Sorry to hear the news. He was a good guy and an asset to the club/forum. He was always helping people out, from what I could see. Only a couple of years older than me too, and I still like to think I'm a youngster. Life is far too short, so best get cracking with some of the projects!

Re: Ian Croucher - ianaudia4

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:13 pm
by gaz63
So sad to hear the news about Ian.
I only met him last year but he was a great guy to be around. A fountain of knowledge and so enthusiastic about all things Vdub. and one of the main reasons for me joining the register.
Definitely think we should set up some sort of trophy/award in his honor, but that's for the future.
Right now I'm sure all our thoughts are with his family.