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Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:39 pm
by dingorocco
Nice score Winston, I have the exact piece coming to me from Los Angeles thanks to Oscar ( Mozcar) ... nelli-GTG!
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:20 pm
by Winston
I don't even need most of it. definitely handy section to have hanging around. :)
My mates dad Glynn that did the notches has taken the body work repairs under his wing. This will give arun time to work on the fabrication side of things and fingers crossed get the project moving abit faster as they are both very busy people. I still need to give them a quick tidy but I run out of flappy discs.
Arun cut the rust out my nearside sill and prepped it all to be welded. In the mean time Glynn came and stole his glory. He rebuilt the outer repair section to fill the hole. Then he rebuilt the rear of the sill even keeping the rolled around detail. Its all about the little details!
N/S Sill Outer Repair by
Winstang, on Flickr
The edge / lip by
Winstang, on Flickr
N/S Sill Inner Repair by
Winstang, on Flickr
I have done some digging and prep work for when he is next up. So I removed the rotten sill corner.
Sill Corner Removed by
Winstang, on Flickr
IMG_4873 by
Winstang, on Flickr
I had ordered a panel from Classic parts about 6 months ago but like a penis I ordered the wrong side. DOH!!
Classic parts <3 by
Winstang, on Flickr
Order Fail!! by
Winstang, on Flickr
I started digging in the Off side sill. This one is abit more gone than the nearside.
Wire Wheeled O/S Sill by
Winstang, on Flickr
O/S Sill Rust Inside by
Winstang, on Flickr
The rear panel hole
Moar holes! by
Winstang, on Flickr
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:32 pm
by Winston
I left it there with the digging until Glynn can next get up and I have some more materials. I have started refurbishing parts. first on the list was my small block steering rack. I got it super smooth and and gave it a coat of primer.
Upol Rack by
Winstang, on Flickr
Had a qick sort out in my area. I just love these two pictures.
Small Blocks <3 by
Winstang, on Flickr
Whoarded crap! by
Winstang, on Flickr
Then I spent the rest of the bank holiday helping my mate shift his Mk1 fleet around to get his 77 Mk1 Golf up to the Unit.
Small block light by
Winstang, on Flickr
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:37 pm
by Winston
We are slowly chipping away at the repairs. Now the O/S sill is repaired. It was a lot worse than the N/S. I am glad I dug deep. I cut out as much rust as I could with a grinder, chiselled most of the remaining rust out and Wire wheeled what was left and treated it with PO15. Then Glyn rebuilt it inside out again doing the detailed lip once again. Sorry for the lack of pictures. I only have him for a morning each weekend so we have to get stuff done.
O/S Sill repair by
Winstang, on Flickr
I am also getting my 22.5cm custom coilovers ready for Arun to fab up.
The Nine by
Winstang, on Flickr
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:44 pm
by mark83
Great metal work repairs , keep the updates coming .
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:28 pm
by Winston
Cheers Mark.. All the credit for the metal work needs to go to Glyn. The project would be at a standstill without him.
I tip my hat to Heritage. the repair panels came yesterday. So I have them for weekend.
Repo Arch Repair Panels by
Winstang, on Flickr
I am glad Glyn is only patching in with them. How someone would use one of these panels to repair a full arch / corner is beyond me. The quality of the pressings is nothing short of shocking. It is my own fault for leaving it until the last minute and having to go with repos.
Repo Corner Repair Panel by
Winstang, on Flickr
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:26 pm
by Winston
Not much progress at all over the last few weeks. The welders have been very busy else where! How dare they! Anyone would have thought they were doing the welding for free!
Big shout to Arun for ordering and collecting and Project3000 for giving me the part numbers / showing me the product in his build thread.
VW Tunder side covering by
Winstang, on Flickr
Also a big shout to a friend or a friend Ricky for this 1974 VW Personnel Training booklet.
Personnel Training Booklet by
Winstang, on Flickr
Inside booklet by
Winstang, on Flickr
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 7:03 am
by Mr Funk
An amazing build fella.
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 2:08 pm
by Winston
Thank you sir funk!
Well I haven't really touched the car for a few weeks. The welders have been busy with there own stuff, My motivations been low and hangovers get worse with age!
Arun came to visit last night and made a start on fabbing up my new engine mounts. I was going buy tube but Arun suggested using 2mm plate and bending it to suit. Im glad we did as this has allowed us to blend it to the bay to make look almost factory. It all welded in place now but no pictures as the camera died.
Massive shout to Arun as always. This has give me much needed motivation as it has turned out just how I wanted it to! 1 down 2 to go. I best get on with my homework.

Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:27 pm
by Winston
I was planning on using megasquirt but this came up for a good price. It not thee most update OMEX 9It came with floppy discs haha) but it will do everything I need and more. :wub:
OMEX 500 by
Winstang, on Flickr
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:33 pm
i have a lot of similar sill/chassis/rust shots shots from the Grotto in the album courtesy of young Mr Thomas.......
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:25 pm
by Winston
Right!! Some goodies have arrived in the post. I am slowly chipping away at my list of parts needed.
Pimping Weber FPR.
Vernier pulley. It was random find by Arun, I won but had to send it to my life saving friend in Germany. Then he posted to me. Cheers gents. :wub:
I stripped it apart and gave it quick going over with some Autosol. :ph34r:
The other mount is finished. big shout to Ben for an afternoon of brain storming (frying my brain) to make the passenger mount work. Then to Arun for working Magic until 3 this morning. Two down one to go! I just hope I can get the bonnet to shut now and keep driveshaft clearances.

Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:51 pm
by Winston
Here are the mock up pictures from last night. I need to put a real engine in soon to test the driveshafts, wheels and running gear etc.
For the time being....
New Raised Mounts 01 by
Winstang, on Flickr
New Raised Mounts 02 by
Winstang, on Flickr
Raised Mounts 03 by
Winstang, on Flickr
The engine is raised 2" at the rear. The pulley clears the bonnet but sadly the camcover catches. I should be able to chop a little bit out of the frame to clear it fingers crossed........ or I might go mental, raise it 3" and cut a hole and have the camcover poking out the bonnet.
Poking over the slam by
Winstang, on Flickr
I hate Bonnets by
Winstang, on Flickr
FUUUUU Bonnet by
Winstang, on Flickr
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:27 pm
by Winston
I have been busy with other things and so have Glyn and Arun. This morning Glyn had a couple of hours to spare (fingers crossed for the next few Sunday mornings) He repaired my rear corner. I will let the pictures do the talking. <3 Glyn
Moar holes! by
Winstang, on Flickr
Corner repair 01 by
Winstang, on Flickr
Corner repair 02 by
Winstang, on Flickr
Corner repair 03 by
Winstang, on Flickr
Welding porn
Nice weld by
Winstang, on Flickr
Re: 1979 Scirocco GLS 1272cc
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:42 pm
by Mr Funk