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Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:41 pm
by Risocco
Weather was a bit pants round my way so didn't get many of the jobs done that I would have liked. However with the help of my Grandad, we knocked this together using MDF, some acoustic carpet and 4 ice hokey pucks...
Really pleased with it. Also keeps the fuel pump loom and relay safe from harm.
I do own a 5th G60 wheel, so am currently debating whether or not to fix it somehow to the top of the wood.
Also, heres the VDO's working - just ignition on, hence the temp gauge hardly moving off the needle. It does work correctly
The Tim gauge above it does not like a twin carb set up - maybe due to running no vac off of the dizzy? Either way it will either be replaced by the original volt meter or a VDO Clock from an old Porsche.
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:10 pm
by Risocco
Since the last MOT 2 of the headlight adjusters have broken, so instead of simply replacing them, I decided to strip down the units and give them all a refurb.
So with the front off the car...
Lights stripped down to access the frames...
One frame rubbed back for comparison...
And both after a rub back and zinc heavy primer...
Fitted to the car with new adjusters, after 4 coats of satin black, with new stainless screws and new black plastic washers...
Chuffed. Beautiful day to spend on the old girl too.
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:54 pm
by Risocco
A beautiful day round my way so a little tinkering inbetween seeing mates and chores.
First, the third boot lock seal the old nail has had during my ownership...
And these have been annoying me for an age. Covered in oil and dirt. Finally motivated myself to spruce them up...
Nothing amazing but an enjoyable hour in the sun.
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:18 pm
by MikeH
Careful fella - that's starting to look like
Car's looking good though!
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:24 pm
by Risocco
Bit of tinkering today. Made the illumination loom for the VDOs, added an interior light to the centre console too.
Moved my attention to the clocks as one bulb had blown. Replaced that and finally replaced the main beam light on the clocks, which hasn't worked since I've owned the car.
Next week off work, sure I can find some more odd jobs to do, along with the pre winter detail and check-over.
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:11 am
by Risocco
Ahhh its been a while again.
So in the last few months the old girl has had her usual 6 monthly service and a good days cleaning session. Has been more than reliable for going on two years now, still manages to put a smile on my face too when out and about.
Last few weeks however, some odd noises from under the bonnet that will get investigated in the spring.
In the meantime, I received some of these GT side badges for christmas...
And a pic showing them from further back...
Quite chuffed with them
Couple of parting shots after her weekly clean last week...

Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:07 am
An old favourite of mine, true spirit.
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:45 pm
by Risocco
A frankly gorgeous day down my way today, so took full advantage and fitted a choke cable to the dellortos, a job that I really really reeeeeeeally should have done when I first built the head up.
Basically, the old girl took a load of coaxing to fire into life when the engine was cold.
So anyway, off with the throttle linkage...
This soon became apparent that I could not have the choke cable bracket and the throttle linkage together in their intended locations, so a touch of bodging was required.
With the help of a bracket, I spaced the choke bracket back a touch...
Which worked a treat, and put it all back together...
And I have a fully functioning cold start system. Very happy the car fires first time now.
Quick wash as the old nail was still wearing a layer of shropshires best mud from a rather spirited run last week, and tucked away in the garage...
Roll on show season.
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:12 pm
by thebrief_1979
Looking good
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:06 pm
by Risocco
Wow, getting really bad at keeping this updated.
Not a fat lot to report really, although many plans being hatched. Since the car burnt out its pump last may on the way to stanford Hall, had a slight fuel leak which is now sorted.
Been mainly keeping the girl clean but have finally finished polishing the rocker cover....
Engine bay now looks pretty much as good as it ever will.
First show on Sunday, been far too long
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 1:22 pm
by Risocco

Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:41 pm
by Risocco
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 6:45 pm
by Bill
Stunning, Must meet up soon.
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:16 am
by james butler
Nice wheels!!
I've been after a set of those for a while.
My originals were nicked when the car was 3 years old but maybe one day I will get some more
Like wise we must meet up sometime
Re: My £66 Charity Case GT - 128bhp Homebrew
Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:13 pm
by Risocco
Thank you gents. A meet up is definitely overdue.
In regards to the car, I finally fitted the roll bars front and rear. Along with new wishbones, bushes and poly bushed the rear beam. Wishbones and roll bars painted red and touched up a few other bits too.