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Re: Idle dropping

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:12 pm
by james butler
no it wouldnt neccesarily so leave it alone
mine does the same
all engines afaik will rev up under lean condtions but doesnt mean its good for the car to run like that all the time
be harder on the rubber gasket to make sure its not split
also remove the jets one at a time and clean them (compressed air is best) as the carb is rediculously susceptable to contamination.

Re: Idle dropping

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:04 pm
by mark1gls
The rocker cover nuts are only just nipped up, I use a 10mm socket on an extension bar, grip hold of the extension bar and tighten up just by hand. I’ve found you do need to check them every year or so and if I see any leaks I’ll check how tight the nuts are.

You can buy a Mk3 Golf rocker cover gasket which is 1 piece of rubber gasket, you need to to swop over the studs as the new studs don’t need the shoulder on them as there is a little of metal in gasket to stop you squashing it to much. ... XQlgtSpxNg

At least with the rubber gasket you can re-use it a few times when you remove the rocker cover, older style cork gaskets need to be replaced every time the cover is removed.

Re: Idle dropping

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:05 pm
by mark1gls
If you do buy the kit, you don’t use the 4 longer studs as they are not there on our engines.