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Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:06 pm
by james butler
been doing a bit more to the car and im glad to say the front suspension is now back on with fresh hubs with new wheel bearings and a lick o paint.
so i first needed to knock the flange out o the centre of the hub with a suitable sized socket and a big hammer
to knock this
out of the centre of this
then remove two of these out of the hub to get the remnants of the wheel bearing out
then press the remaining wheelbearing out, (conveniently an old brake disk has the right size hole for the wheel bearing to pass through when using a press)
so your left with this

once sand blasted
then reinsert the flange side circlip and using the old wheel bearing as a drift press the new wheel bearing in the same way.
and reinsert the other circlip behind it.
next you will still have the flange with a bit of wheel bearing stuck on it. there are proper wheel bearing puller devices but i prfer the grinder as its free and to hand. gently though mind!
then clean it up and press it back into the bearing in the hub

with a nice lick o paint its as good as new.

Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:09 pm
by james butler
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:17 pm
by james butler
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:19 pm
by james butler
its gotta be said hammerite really is a crappy paint
i seem to remeber it being awsome once upon a time but no longer!

Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:27 pm
by ant
Project looks like it's going well, was looking forward to seeing the camber adjuster device after you mentioned it when I saw you the other day!
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:17 am
by james butler
ant wrote:Project looks like it's going well, was looking forward to seeing the camber adjuster device after you mentioned it when I saw you the other day!
hi ant thanks for the support and cant thank you enough for the drive shafts!
thanks to you crusty will very soon be back on its wheels.
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:15 am
by james butler
the paint fiasco continues,
i havent been working on the car for the last 2 weeks as its been so cold. i went on thursday to find out my paint job has gone all pimply.
apparently according to the local paint shop they reckon i must have had moisture in the paint which when frozen in the last two weeks has expanded causing the blistering over most of the flat panels.
unfortunately it seems the only remedy is to flat back and start again
the paint has been such a nuisance but it will have to wait till the summer to be fixed now.
the show must go on the car will be built with the paint as is and i will blow over it in the summer.
i have almost finished the filler neck which can go on the car as soon as i have welded the breather joint in at the top of the filler neck
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:17 am
by james butler
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:23 am
by james butler
for anyone interested in the common issues and causes with paint defects this website had some usefull info ... ng-part-1/
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:00 pm
by Chris6969
Love how sexy the body is on the Mk2 and this is a great example of when its at its best, NO bodykit and nNo square headlight

I need to get a chassis tilt though hate working on mine without one :(
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 6:42 pm
by james butler
thankyou for the compliment chris6969 i like the non kitted roccos too but has to be the right colour to pull it off! (so hopefully ive succeeded).
here are some pictures of further progress.
i decided to remove the standard servo and go with the 16v abf mk3 servo and master cylinder and ended up cutting the ball of the back and cutting a thread onto the shaft just like ant did in his 20v turbo rocco to make the audi a3 servo fit.
bending all the copper pipe to get it to fit was a mission in itself!
also started fitting all the brakes back on and realised im missing some bolts so couldnt fit the pads untill the new ones come in the post.

Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:55 pm
by Chris6969
Looks good man!! I'm doing mine in a wine red, no bodykit, mk1 headlight and no spoiler with a pd130 engine :D
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 11:36 pm
by james butler
Chris6969 wrote:Looks good man!! I'm doing mine in a wine red, no bodykit, mk1 headlight and no spoiler with a pd130 engine :D
awsome make sure you do a build thread especially on that engine. i will be quite interested on how you get on with it.
Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:42 am
by james butler
so onto the engine for the moment as ive just bought £200 worth of parts and wanted to do something mechanical.
so took the rocker cover off for a degrease and start the timing belt replacement
and the cover put back on with the new timing belt
tensioner now has a built in spring to keep the tension which ive only seen on newer engines.
ive been on the hunt for a new alternator belt to fit the current setup and no A/C

Re: crusty rusty rocket
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:45 am
by james butler
also trimmed the timing chest down to fit the rocco engine mount.
i destroyed the old rubber mount so bought a new one to replace it but what a pita to fit!!!
knackered both my hands trying to force it in with the vice as the mount wont fit in the press properly.