Raceland manifold 8v any good?

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rocco balboa
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Raceland manifold 8v any good?

Post by rocco balboa »

If got a new Jetex 2" system for my 8v SCALA :thankyou: , would like to get a new manifold, pref 4-2-1 , so many mixed reports but i think ashley ones are to b avoided but the raceland ones have had some bad reports too.......... :help:

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Re: Raceland manifold 8v any good?

Post by bensspares »

i had a ashley 4 into 1 fitted for 5 years, the car was thrashed from time to time and kept outside. when i took it off to sell it was still in very usable condition...and as its made of mild steel it can easily be welded up should anything go wrong...i would strongly recomend this exhaust to you

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rocco balboa
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Re: Raceland manifold 8v any good?

Post by rocco balboa »

bensspares wrote:i had a ashley 4 into 1 fitted for 5 years, the car was thrashed from time to time and kept outside. when i took it off to sell it was still in very usable condition...and as its made of mild steel it can easily be welded up should anything go wrong...i would strongly recomend this exhaust to you

i know what ur sayin wiv the mild steel, jus would prefer a 4-2-1 setup. cheers dude

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