Forced Induction and K-Jet

Carbs; K-jet; Tanks; Lines; Filler necks, Senders; aftermarket fuel systems; Exhausts and Manifolds;air filters - standard and aftermarket
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Forced Induction and K-Jet

Post by Boumsong »

Aup guys,

I've been talking a lot recently about running a supercharger on the new engine build. However, I'm not overly knowledgeable on after market engine management..Granted there a a kajillion websites with information about it on.

My question though, is 'what sort of pressures could safely be put through the K-Jet system and still have it work as well as it usually does?'...If any at all..

The way my brain is working is..If I run a charger on say..7/8psi which isn't too much compared to the 13/14psi you can run them at. Would the K-Jet still measure and adjust the fueling to handle the extra air..Or would I definately need to look into aftermarket management?

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Re: Forced Induction and K-Jet

Post by Slumdogscala »

In the 80's k-jet was standard equipment on a few forced induction cars including Audis, Porsches, Volvos and probably some others. There are definitely some metering head/air flow meter combinations that you could use with a supercharger but I'm not sure how well standard scirocco items would work.

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Re: Forced Induction and K-Jet

Post by dozzum »

foudn this when searching for stuff about k-jetronic. ... ction.html

turbod pinto engine running on it.

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Re: Forced Induction and K-Jet

Post by millsy20 »

Stealth Racing in Warickshire are good for this as they made multiple 1.8 16v turbos running on K-Jet. May be a good place to ring and pick their brains.


1991 Red Scirocco GT2-Soon to be GT2 16v
2010 MK3 Scirocco GT TDi 140 for daily duties
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