Repainting bodykit

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Repainting bodykit

Post by Joe87 »

Is it easy to do? Only need to do it on one side but I may have to do the whole lot if I can't get a paint match - anyone know if there is a specific paint code for it? It's the 'standard' GTX black bodykit. Would it just be a case of sanding, priming and spraying (with appropriate paint for plastic)? Also, if it's not too much hassle to remove and re-attach the bodykit then I'll spray it separately, otherwise I'll just mask it up and do it on the car.


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the edmundator
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Re: Repainting bodykit

Post by the edmundator »

You might find it easier to get hold of a replacement section, than trying to repair the one you've got.

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Re: Repainting bodykit

Post by markh »

You will need plastic primer to do the job properly. If you do it off the car, make sure the paint is completely cured before you try and refit it, otherwise if the pieces bend while you refit them, the paint will crack. Black for a GTX should be paint code LO4I. I have some black painted bodykit pieces, if you decide against painting.

Don't ask was like that when i got here !

Re: Repainting bodykit

Post by cadillacman »

Hello, when i was a painter at a Ford bodyshop when XR2 were brand new...!

We always coloured coded them on the car, what we did was

masked out the body kit,
red scotbrite the plastic's using panel wipe
Plastic primers and when it was dry, flat it down to get the panels smooth and paint with top coat

We never had any problems, we always left the kits on because it was quicker you didnt break any clips and putting the bits in the oven they could wrap when they were being baked....

hope this helps you out, i reckon a good bodyshop would want around £400 to do this is you live in Essex drop me a PM

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Re: Repainting bodykit

Post by Joe87 »

Thanks for the replies everyone. I would prefer to hold onto the bodykit I already have and respray it as there is nothing wrong with it except for the paint. And I'm not sure how difficult it is to remove and refit new bodykit but I imagine it could be a bit of a pain? Markh - I am looking to do the whole nearside bodykit sections, do you have those available? And how much would you be asking for it? Need to weigh up the cost of buying new bodykit compared with buying the paint...
Cadillacman - thanks for the tips there, that's pretty much what I was planning to do but glad to see I'm not the only one mad enough to paint it still on the car (maybe it's not so mad after all?) Not in Essex unfortunately but cheers for the tips.

1987 GTX
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