Mk2 storm DX engine fuel issues

Carbs; K-jet; Tanks; Lines; Filler necks, Senders; aftermarket fuel systems; Exhausts and Manifolds;air filters - standard and aftermarket
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Mk2 storm DX engine fuel issues

Post by hanna.melbo »

Hi all, does anyone know if there is a lifter pump in the fuel tank of a mk2 storm 1984 DX engine?
It's a k-jet 1.8i.
There is a weird gurgling noise coming from that general direction which I can only think is a lifter pump in the fuel tank.
The noise is only there when the car is running, it doesn't seem to have lost power and doesn't seem to have any noticeable impact on performance but is consistent in allways being there.
The fuel pump at the rear under the car by the offside rear wheel which has been changed and didn't stop the noise from being there.
Hope someone can help!
Thanks in advance

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Re: Mk2 storm DX engine fuel issues

Post by Blueshark »

Yes there is a pump inside your tank.
Take out the rear seat, there is a black round lid, fixed with 3 screws, and there is the pump assembly.


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