Speedo stops when clutch depressed?

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Speedo stops when clutch depressed?

Post by timmaaah »

Odd issue in the missus' 1992 GT2.

The speedo stops when the clutch is depressed. Doesn't matter if it's in gear or neutral - when driving along as soon as you depress the clutch the speedo needle drops to zero.

Any ideas? Many thanks in advance :)

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Re: Speedo stops when clutch depressed?

Post by mark1gls »

well that's a new one, never heard of that before.....

At a guess as the speedo is run from a cable, bulk head is cracking/flexing when pressing the clutch pedal and pulling the speedo cable out the back of the instrument cluster... get your hand up behind the cluster and push the speedo cable in and if you don't have a strengthening plate for the clutch cable fit one NOW as it's just a matter of time before the clutch cable pulls through the bulk head, VW very bad design.

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Re: Speedo stops when clutch depressed?

Post by essextom »

i tried this earlier and can confirm that mine keeps showing speed with clutch depressed.

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Re: Speedo stops when clutch depressed?

Post by scirocco_ne »

There is a little plastic weak as water bracket that holds the speedo cable up to the body.

If it breaks the cable interferes with the clutch pedal massively. I had to drill my bracket and use a tie mounted to it after the clip area broke off.

Its easily possible it could affect the speedo or as others have said the whole bulkhead could be flexing.

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