crusty rusty rocket

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james butler
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

quick update
thanks to andy (aka macc) and his mate melvyn i now have a chassis tilter of my own and my goodness does it make working on the floor easier.
cheers buddy :beers:


i tell you what its frightening watching the whole car roll over not knowing if its going to smack the floor or not a ruin the project.
plus when it started to go over it was very dificult trying to slow it down. roofs definately heavier than the the base!


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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

before i forget a massive thankyou to joost for sorting out a fuel sender for me, so i wont be needing one any more.
another item required off the list.

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steve bain
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by steve bain »

It looks like your on the home straight. Paint is the biggest hurdle! Looks cool. I wish I made a spit for mine. Doing the underside is a nightmare! Easier to replace fuel lines etc too


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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by G Beats »

Coming on it's getting there as I can see from here.Peace G Beats.

G Beats.Been into MK 2 V.W Sciroccos since 98.Now on my fourth MK 2 Scirocco. R.I.P two MK 2 Scala DX Engine's.Sold GT 2. No longer have a mk 2 v.w Scirocco as it was stolen back in February 2020 .Or another one know have a 1980s BMW.
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by G Beats »

Got any more pictures of up date ?

G Beats.Been into MK 2 V.W Sciroccos since 98.Now on my fourth MK 2 Scirocco. R.I.P two MK 2 Scala DX Engine's.Sold GT 2. No longer have a mk 2 v.w Scirocco as it was stolen back in February 2020 .Or another one know have a 1980s BMW.
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by Macc »

Looking good fella, nice to see Dave Mustain taking a break from Megadeath coming to help too!

Gonna have to show Melv these pics!

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by connorj19 »

Just came across this thread, brilliant progress and I love the man cave idea!

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james butler
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

cheers for the enthusiasm guys.
progress has been slow recently as ive had a lot of work commitments and with cosford coming and going ive been really busy with other projects too.
but i have managed tp get the fuel tank in with new bolts and fuel pipes.
i also wax oiled the floor. i did buy one of the hammerite waxoil sprayers but couldnt get it to spray a nice wide pattern, instead it came out of the end like tooth paste so i gave up with that and ended up just painting it on with a brush!
next i need to rub the body work down for another couple of coats of paint. then its going back on its wheel for the refit.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by G Beats »

Sounds great you are really getting there nearly at the end now good for you my friend.

G Beats.Been into MK 2 V.W Sciroccos since 98.Now on my fourth MK 2 Scirocco. R.I.P two MK 2 Scala DX Engine's.Sold GT 2. No longer have a mk 2 v.w Scirocco as it was stolen back in February 2020 .Or another one know have a 1980s BMW.
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by mark1gls »

With the Hammerite waxoyl sprayers you need to do it on a very hot day or put it in a big bucket of hot water and keep it hot with boiling the kettle and topping up, place the lance in the water as well and leave for a good 5 mins to get nice and warm then it should spray fine and when it starts to stop spraying as well place the lance back in the bucket and top up with more hot water from the kettle.

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

so a quick up date, fuel tanks in and the fuel hose in place from the tank, just trying to work out the best place to put the fuel pump and filter.
like an idiot i tried to right the car back up the other week and managed to contact the drivers edge of the roof with the tarmac floor, so after kicking the crap out of old paint cans and smashing up and old door to vent some anger ive set about flatting back the damaged paint and primered AGAIN ready for more paint.
man i hate sanding so bad! ive still got to block the whole car back for more paint so i think this is going to be an over winter project.
so much for finishing it this year!


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G Beats
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by G Beats »

That is fair enough.Like said on the phone to you when you are turning the body shell you remember the weight as you turn as it is pulling the mess weight down.

G Beats.Been into MK 2 V.W Sciroccos since 98.Now on my fourth MK 2 Scirocco. R.I.P two MK 2 Scala DX Engine's.Sold GT 2. No longer have a mk 2 v.w Scirocco as it was stolen back in February 2020 .Or another one know have a 1980s BMW.
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james butler
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

so ive been preping the bodywork in places for more paint and have come across an odd problem
this keeps happening in different places.
after having a chat with ant it seems the paint has reacted a bit so going to have to strip of the areas effected and try again

i really hate sanding!

so t take my mind off the paint job my friend stripped the rear beam and cleaned down and undrsealed it.

all of the fittings are currently derusting in the patio cleaner acid, a great job thats doing!

hopefully once the reactions in the paint are fixed i can give it its last coat of orange paint.
if it doesnt work this time then its staying that way!

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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by G Beats »

OK I see James.It did not get damp on it or moister in the air when it was drying out ? As it does rain a lot in this country.And all so you have the rolling shell outside under a cover garage.

G Beats.Been into MK 2 V.W Sciroccos since 98.Now on my fourth MK 2 Scirocco. R.I.P two MK 2 Scala DX Engine's.Sold GT 2. No longer have a mk 2 v.w Scirocco as it was stolen back in February 2020 .Or another one know have a 1980s BMW.
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james butler
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Re: crusty rusty rocket

Post by james butler »

G Beats wrote:OK I see James.It did not get damp on it or moister in the air when it was drying out ? As it does rain a lot in this country.And all so you have the rolling shell outside under a cover garage.
i think you may be right geebeats, some areas did get damp from condensation.
but i found out after that the main problem was when i sanded back the paint i used paint prep wipes to clean the body before spraying and i didnt leave enough time for it to evapourate off the body before i sprayed it with primer.
i found this out by wiping a panel then spraying a small bit and it reacted straight away.
so i learnt my lesson and started again leaving plenty of time before spraying it, so now i have a good base to respray the main coats on again.
this is how she looks now

i also painted the anti roll bars which came out nice


and the clampy bits


I dont mind project cars but I HATE SANDING!!!
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